901-1/7/879 (North side)
08/01/59 No.1
Litfield House and attached front
basement balustrades
(Formerly Listed as:
Litfield House) GV II* House, now surgery. Dated 1830. Signed Charles Dyer. Limestone
ashlar with Pennant ashlar basement and rendered sides,
lateral stacks and slate hipped roof. Double-depth plan.
Neoclassical style. 3 storeys and basement; 5-window range.
A good symmetrical front has single-storey 1-window wings set
back; a moulded plat band beneath paired pilasters between the
windows with acanthus capitals, plain frieze, cornice and
parapet, set forward twice over the pilasters.
A large Pennant-flagged Greek Doric portico has an entablature
with triglyphs, metopes to cornice and parapet with a
balustraded centre and sides, signed to the right; narrow
3-pane windows flank a plain doorway with 2-leaf 6-panel doors
with heavy rings. Single tripartite ground-floor windows have
thin architraves to 6/6-pane and flanking 2/2-pane sashes;
architraves above, with console cornices and bowed stone
balconies with column balusters on the first floor, to
6/6-pane sashes.
The wings have central sections set forward with full height
windows and architraves, blind balustrades in the parapet
above, 6/6-pane left-hand sash and C20 window to the right.
Tooled Pennant ashlar basement, with tripartite windows.
Returns have paired pilasters beneath 2 lateral stacks.
Rear elevation is a 3-window range separated by paired
pilasters above a plat band, the left third forming a shallow
bow; tripartite outer ground-floor windows, central 9/9-pane
stair sash, the rest have architraves to 6/6-pane sashes.
INTERIOR: flagged lobby with pedimented doorway to rear
central stair hall with cantilevered stone open-well stair,
with cast-iron wide, moulded balusters and foliate newel.
Ground-floor front right-hand room has a black marble fire
surround with paired pilasters, and distyle-in-antis scagliola
Ionic columns to the back, and doors to rear fully-panelled
room with eared fire surround; left-hand front room has fine
marble fire surround with Ionic columns and cast-iron fire
basket; good plaster ceilings with Greek Revival-style
mouldings, and arched recesses with coffered soffits in
left-hand end room. First-floor bathroom has sunken bath and
green marble panelling. Right-hand dogleg service stair has
cast-iron stick balusters, with good early C20 cast-iron range
in former basement kitchen.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: attached front basement area balustrades.
An outstanding example of an 1830s villa, forming the start of
a fine collection of ashlar villas along Litfield Place,
including Nos 8 & 9 (qv), and The Promenade.
(Gomme A, Jenner M and Little B: Bristol, An Architectural
History: Bristol: 1979-: 267; Mowl T: To Build The Second
City: Bristol: 1991-: 142).
Listing NGR: ST5680673377
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Books and journals Gomme, A H, Jenner, M, Little, B D G, Bristol, An Architectural History, (1979), 267 Mowl, T, To Build a Second City, (1991), 142
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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