669-1/3/345 (South side)
28/11/51 Home Farm House
(Formerly Listed as:
Home Farm House) GV II Formerly known as: House occupied by Mr PE Wedd AUDLEY END.
House. C17, refaced in C18. Timber frame, plastered, red
brick, stacks also in red brick, C20 clay tiled roof. Plan,
original rectangular house with rear central stair tower and
later additions each side to make deeper rectangle. 2 storeys
and cellars. Front N elevation: C18 brick front of 5 bays,
scored pointing, central doorway with fluted pilasters, simple
flat cornice hood, pulvinated frieze, panelled reveals, door
of 6 fielded panels. All windows have very good voussoirs and
all are sashes with glazing bars, 3x4 panes. Above, parapet
with dentilled cornice masks half hipped roof, central square
stack. Rear, S elevation: original form of house clear,
symmetrical with central hip roofed stair tower in front of
stack with deep 2-light casement window glazing bars, 4x4
panes. Each side, 2-storey, red brick , flat roofed addition,
on E side full width, with ground floor 4-panelled door (upper
2 glazed), double casement window, 4x4 panes and small ground
floor lean-to at E end with 1x2 casement. First floor, two 2x3
casements. Addition to W side of stair tower has similar first
floor window, also tall stack at E end. C20 conservatory at W
end. E and W elevations: both brick faced with clear line
where parapet has been added to front of lower roof gable.
Line continues down marking addition of front wall.
INTERIOR: all now relined in Georgian style panelling but
original C17 lobby-entrance plan is still clear with 3 cells,
one room W of stack and 2 to E of unequal length. Cellar of
C17 origin, some thin bricks.
Listing NGR: TL5243438000
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