669-1/1/59 (North side)
28/11/51 Nos.17 AND 19 GV II 2 houses comprising late C16 cross-wing (No.19) and C18 street
range (No.17), C19 rear lean-to and C20 rear addition.
Timber-framed and plastered, peg-tiled roof. L shaped plan of
blocks with rear addition and lean-to at W end. 2 storeys.
Front, S elevation: units of different styles. E cross-wing
has had C19 `medieval' refronting. Plastering relieved to
shape of underlying framing. Ground floor doorway moulded with
boarded and battened door on ornamental strap hinges. 2-light
window with moulded frame, metal casements with interlocking
hexagonal glazing bars. First floor, 3-cant oriel window with
similar casements, simple hipped roof, shaped sill with deep
roll mouldings copied from original at No.1 Myddylton Place
(qv). C19 decorated barge-boards. To E, simple lean-to, roof
as catslide from gable pitch with single-light window with
moulded frame and glazing bars similar to rest. Large red
brick stack seen behind frontage at junction of wing and
lean-to. Street range to W: 2 window range, all features new
or restored in C20 with intermediate simple central doorway,
door of `stable' type with upper glazed light. To E of door,
3-cant bay window with brick base and hipped roof, casements,
1x3,2x3,2x3,1x3 panes. To W of door, 2-light casement window
4x3 panes. First floor, 2 similar windows. Top of stack seen
behind roof apex.
Rear, N elevation: street range and cross-wing clear, No.17,
to W, deep lean-to extends out with continuous catslide roof,
large rectangular stack of 2 builds emerges through roof
pitch. C20 gabled dormer, 2-light window set to W. Ground
floor has additional flat roofed C20 rectangular addition
shared with No.19. 2 panel door, upper glazed and 2-light
casement window. Lean-to has 3-light window with C20
casements. No.19's gable has traces of old basket pattern
pargetting, deep C19 barge-boards. Ground floor E, lean-to,
boarded door and sliding sash window 4x2 panes. Flat roofed
addition, one 2-light window, first floor, one 2-light
casement window and 1 single light. Continuous weathering
board over both. E end elevation: from lane to Bridge End
Gardens. Plain plastered walling, large stack through roof
pitch at junction of lean-to and cross-wing.
INTERIOR: No17. C18 slender framing mainly of softwood. Roof
similar, with clasped side purlins. Rear wall of street range
is heavier oak framing implying a rebuild of whole of house
centre and front. Fireplace set within rear wall rebuilt but
some C17 thin bricks remain. Small round arched fireplace
above, on first floor. Heavier oak side framing of No.15 and
No.19 is clear in end walls. Roof of No.19 of oak, side
purlins with curved wind braces.
Listing NGR: TL5363738650
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