669-1/1/82 (North side)
28/11/51 Nos.61 AND 63
Pair of houses. C16 with later additions. Timber-framed and
plastered with peg-tiled roof. T shaped plan of street range
with rear lean-to and right angle additions. 2 storeys and
Front, S elevation: long jettied range but jetty of No.63 now
underbuilt. First floor close studded, No.61 jetty joists and
brackets exposed. Ground floor, W-E, C20 3-light casement
window, glazing bars, 6x3 panes, set within small C19 shop
front with consoles and simple hood, boarding below window to
ground, adjacent to raised cellar light on pavement, C19
boarded door with simple hood on C20 brackets, C19 window,
moulded architrave with C20 renewed sliding sashes, 4x3 panes.
First floor, 2 similar C20 restored sliding sash windows, 4x3
panes. No.63, ground floor breaks forward supporting jetty,
C20 boarding over joists ends. C20 triple sash window with
glazing bars, 2x4, 3x4, 1x4 panes, simple doorway with C20
boarded and battened door with upper diamond glazed light.
First floor, 2 C20 sash windows with glazing bars. Stack in
c1700 stretcher bond seen behind apex. E end elevation: all
rendered, brick underbuilding of jettied front protrudes
slightly. Rear lean-to with flatter roof pitch. Windows
irregular, ground floor, C20 casement 3x4 panes, above, C20
2x2 paned casement, also first floor 2-light metal casement
window central below roof apex, weathering protection board
directly above, wallplate horns project slightly below.
Rear, N elevation: additions cover whole elevation. No.61 has
C20 gabled 2 storeyed wing with single casement window on each
floor, ground, 4-light, 8x2 panes, first floor 3-light, 6x2
panes. Adjacent doorway on E side with catslide roof. C20
upper glazed door. No.63, outshut has C20 flat roofed swept
dormer window of 2 lights, below, C20 panelled pargetting with
C20 back door below, 2x3 paned upper glazing, 3 moulded lower
INTERIOR: No.61. 2 bays with step-stopped chamfered principal
joists. E end framed wall stud braced. Central studded
partition between E and W bays with large peg holes for
medieval bench facing hearth (to E). 2 medieval window
mullions in position over present street door head, multiple
roll mouldings. Fireplace at E end, all rebuilt below with
inglenook seating, timber mantel beam and, above, brickwork
battered back with 2 crudely arch headed keeping recesses. Old
but not original doorway behind stack leading towards No.63
(possibly for old stairway). First floor, central tie-beam has
arched braces and studding. W end wall, an open truss with
exterior end wall of No.59 all visible, framing of No.61
apparently laid against a pre-existing structure. Stud in W
end frame adjacent to stack has filled central groove,
possibly for a wattle and daub chimney prior to the present
brick stack, batter of mantel beam and later brickwork above
may follow the outline of removed framed chimney. Cellar, all
C20 relined, illumination from street light. Later work
includes 2 `Gothick' 2-centred arched doorways, one through
partition adjacent to street door and one as back door to old
street range. The house, No.61 appears to be the upper end of
a medieval house, parlour to W, upper bay of hall to E (with
bench seat). Stack and possible earlier framed hood inserted
throuth centre of hall.
Listing NGR: TL5373838719