669-1/1/164 (East side)
28/11/51 Nos.23, 25 AND 27 GV II Large house, now 2 units. Late C18 with part earlier core,
early C19 addition. Red brick, peg tile and slate roofs, red
brick stacks. L shaped plan. 2 storeys and attics.
Front W elevation: red brickwork has ruddled mortar
tuck-pointed. Long 3 window range with conspicuous high
keystoned round-arched waggon way between centre and N end
windows. Windows 2 storeyed canted bays on brick bases, simple
horned sashes with outer margin glazing bars, woodwork
panelled between storeys. Hipped leaded roofs in line with
wooden modillioned cornice, 2 stucco bands link windows along
elevation. Parapet, peg-tiled mansard roof with 5 flat roofed
dormer windows, 2-light casements 4x3 panes. 3 stacks, gable
ends and centre. Doorway between centre and S bay (No.27),
dentilled cornice hood, decorative entablature with feathers,
rosette and festoon enrichment. Door of 5 panels, upper one
now glazed. Second doorway (No.23), simpler with cornice hood,
panelled doorcase and moulded architrave. Door of 6 panels,
upper 4 now glazed, lower recessed. Rear E elevation: No.23
masked by The Malthouse (not listable) but has C20 4 panelled
door. No.27 street range clear with 3 single-bayed conjoined
2-storeyed slated C18 and C19 brick additions. Earliest C18
wing to N, gabled with dentils, ground floor segment headed
French window, each door leaf has upper glazing 2x3 panes, and
lower panel, 4x1 paned overlight. First floor, 3x4 paned
segment headed window. 2 C19 additions to S, each with
monopitch roof, deeper and taller at S end, red brick and some
burnt headers. 4 segment headed sash windows, three 3x4 paned
sashes, one 4x4 panes. Substantial stack between centre and S
INTERIOR: No.27. C19 staircase remains with stick balusters,
turned newels, wreathed mahogany handrail. No.23. Ground
floor, ceiling of room to front has exposed joists of oak,
late C16/early C17 type. The house was once contiguous with
the rear malting.
Listing NGR: TL5384638318
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