941-1/14/121 (North East side)
18/02/91 No.29 GV II Includes: Nos.1 AND 2 AVENHAM PLACE.
Block of 3 town houses on corner site. 1850s, altered. Red
brick in Flemish bond (No.29 painted red), with sandstone
dressings and slate roof. Double-depth plans; No.29 square and
double-fronted, the others single-fronted to Avenham Place,
each with a back extension. Two storeys over cellars, with an
ashlar plinth, 1st-floor sill-band, plain frieze and prominent
moulded cornice (all carried round). No.29 is 3 bays, almost
symmetrical (central openings offset slghtly left), and has a
doorway up 3 steps with a doorcase of engaged Ionic columns
with entablature cornice and blocking course, hollow-moulded
surround and 4-panel door with overlight; windows sashed
without glazing bars, all with raised sills and wedge lintels;
cellar windows protected by gratings. Hipped roof, side-wall
chimneys. The right-hand return wall, 3 unequal bays, has
similar fenestration including the cellar. Continued to the
rear on this side are Nos.1 and 2 Avenham Place, each of 2
bays, the doorways to the right, up 3 steps with nosings, each
round-headed with a doorcase of engaged Tuscan columns with
square abaci, plain frieze and moulded cornice with blocking
course, plain jambs with imposts, and semicircular fanlight
(glazing altered); fenestration like No.29 but all glazing
altered except at ground floor of No.1. Ridge chimneys with
stone cornices. Rear and INTERIORS not inspected. The item is
part of an early Victorian extension, in harmonious style, to
a formerly complete set of late Georgian lower-middle class
town houses in this street.
Listing NGR: SD5426928912
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