723-1/5/252 (East side)
16/04/86 Stable 5m south-east of Lincolns
(Formerly Listed as:
Kitchen Adjoining Lincolns) GV II* Stable, possible medieval kitchen, now used for storage. C15
or early C16. Timber-framed and weatherboarded on sloping
ground with brick plinth on W side and retaining wall on E
side - red and yellow bricks. Rectangular plan. Front, W
elevation has ground floor double door at N end, first floor,
2 loft doors, one central and one over the doors below. E
elevation, first floor central loft door.
INTERIOR: 3 unequal bays, wider to N and narrower to S, heavy
framing with jowled posts. One open truss has normal arched
bracing, the other one, to S, has braces of bracket form.
Widely spaced studs. Exterior arched bracing at corners and,
at one storey post, a short, edge halved and bridled scarf
joint in the wall plate. Remains of 5 diamond mullioned
windows. 3 in the S bay and 2 in the N. Floored at mid-height
in 2 sections. To N, c1600, joist with diminished haunched
soffit tenons with lamb's tongue chamfer stops. To S re-built
floor of reused timber propped in position. 2 principal joists
with sooting. Roof re-built as simple side purlin type but a
number of rafters sooted. Soot also exists on jowls of open
trusses. The original roof was of the crown post type (mortice
and peg-hole at centre of tie-beam) and both ends were hipped.
The building was domestic and was originally floored (all
windows have shutter grooves). The S short bay was important
with 2 upper windows and one lower one. The N bay has a ground
floor window and a small upper one, probably to light a stair,
which was entered from the original doorway on site of present
opening. The centre bay had no windows but has dovetail joints
for an additional half bay tie-beam to which braces rose.
Partition wattle grooves here and on the S open truss imply
that a timber hood or chimney of half bay depth occupied the S
half of the central bay. This would leave to N a one and a
half bay working area with storage floor above and to S a
small, well lit storeyed bay for habitation. It is possible
that the timber hood did not extend across the whole width
allowing access at first floor level between the N and S ends
of the building. The 2 sooted, reused principal joists noted
in the present inserted floor may be from the original fire
hood (1) lintel beam, chamfered, with regular floor joists,
and (2) a corner post, long and sooted on 2 adjacent surfaces.
The building was certainly domestic amd may have served as a
kitchen within the yard of the farm, contemporary with the
first phase of the house, i.e. c1500. The stable and the barn
(qv) form a group with Lincolns (qv).
Listing NGR: TQ5624295463
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