(north side) 6/18 Ranby House School G.V. II School, formerly country house. Mid and late C18 core, but in
the main c191O with later C20 additions. Red brick and red
sandstone with some yellow brick. Slate roofs, hipped to the C18
part. The c191O additions are set on a plinth with chamfered
stone band over. T-plan. The south c191O front of 2 1/2 storeys
and 3 gabled bays has stone coped gable and kneelers, with single
red brick ridge and right gable stacks, 1st and 2nd floor moulded
stone bands and stone quoins. The outer bays slightly project.
Central single storey bay window with 4 casements to the front
and stone transom mullions. The lights above the transom have
small lead panes. There is a stone parapet. Flanked by similar
single, 2 storey bay windows. Above the central bay is a single
3-light stone transom and mullion casement with small lead
panes above the transom and stone quoin surround. On the top
floor is a central sundial flanked by single 3-light mullion
fixed lights with lozenge shaped lead panes, stone quoin
surrounds and Tudor style hoodmoulds. West side C18 and c,1910.
2 and 2 1/2 storeys, 10 bays. Stone coped gables with kneelers.
The recessed 2 1/2 storey left 5 bays being part of the C18 front
with dentillated eaves and 1st and 2nd floor bands. Between the
gable of the south front and the left gable runs an embattled
parapet hiding the roof line. There are 4 yellow brick stacks, a
single red brick stack and a red brick projecting stack to the
front with a further red leading to yellow brick stack in the re-
entrant angle between the earlier and later wings. The
projecting gable end of the south wing has a 2-light stone
mullion casement, with small lead panes, stone quoin surround and
hoodmould, to the left is a slightly projecting single storey bay
window with stone transom and mullions, shaped lead panes and
brick and stone parapet. Further left is the projecting single
storey 3 bay porch with brick and stone parapet, having from
right to left 2 2-light stone mullion windows with small lead
panes and stone quoin surrounds and a single doorway with double
wooden door and similar surround, over is a hoodmould extending
to a band. The recessed C18 wing has from right to left a single
glazing bar sash under segmental arch, a doorway with wooden door
and projecting pediment supported on brackets and pillars, a
single glazing bar sash under a segmental arch and 2 C20 fixed
lights, the left one under a segmental arch. Above in the south
gable is a 3-light stone transom and mullion casement with small
lead panes above the transom, stone quoin surround and hoodmould.
To the left are 5 2-light stone transom and mullion casements,
with small lead panes above the transoms and stone quoin
surrounds. The left 2 are slightly smaller and are set into a
slightly projecting gabled bay. Above is a shaped panel, below
is an overlight to the inner porch door with single stone
mullion, shaped lead panes and stone quoin surround. The C18
wing has 3 glazing bar sashes under segmental arches. In the top
floor of the south gable is a 2 light casement with single stone
mullion, lozenge shaped lead panes, stone quoin surround and
hoodmould. In the C18 wing is a central glazing bar sash with a
similar, larger sash to the right and a glazed fire door to the
left, all under segmental arches. There is a fire escape leading
from the fire door, with a further fire escape above the single
bay window. The east front c.1910 part has 2 storeys and 3 bays,
with a 1st floor stone band. The C18 part is of the same height
but has 2 1/2 storeys and 5 bays with a later 2 bay extension to
the right, dentilated eaves and 1st and 2nd floor bands. At the
c,1910 gable ends are single stacks with a further 4 to the C18
part. The c,1910 part has 2 doorways with glazed double doors,
stone quoin surround and hoodmould, to the right a bow window
with stone transom and mullions with small lead panes above the
transom and stone parapet. Above is a central 3-light oriel
window with stone transom and mullions, small lead panes above
the transom and embattled parapet. To the left are 2 2-light
stone transom and mullion casements with small lead panes above
the transom, stone quoin surrounds and hoodmoulds. To the right
are 2 similar, larger, casements. The C18 part, with remnants of
rendering, retains its tall arched Gothick glazing bar stair
light and to the left a yellow brick bow window surmounted by a
smaller bow window, both with glazing bar sashes. The small bow
with fire escape. Other openings are various sashes and
casements, a C20 wooden extension extends from the right.
Interior has a oak panelled hall. In the drawing room is a late
C18 fireplace flanked by single Ionic pilasters. On the 1st
floor is an oak panelled room with fitted cupboards by Thompson
of Kilburn. Inscribed above the door is 'Anno Domini 1933
Listing NGR: SK6561981037
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