723-1/9/309 Granary at Hatch Farm
GV II Granary. 17m W of Hatch farmhouse (qv). c1600, late C17, C19
and later. Timber-framed and weatherboarded, partial brick
plinth, slate hipped roof. Rectangular plan. 2 storeyed. 5
bays aligned E-W. N side elevation, 3 E bays fully boarded
over, C19 brick plinth, 2 W bays open on ground floor with
intermediate posts, simple windows, one to E on ground floor
of 2x2 panes, 2 on first floor, each of 2 lights. S side
elevation similar to N elevation but 3 E ground floor bays
open with 2 intermediate posts, 2 W bays weatherboarded with
some exposed brick plinth. Simple windows, 2 on ground floor,
2 on first floor. W end elevation, weatherboarded with brick
plinth, central first floor entry opening. E elevation plain
INTERIOR: basic frame of oak posts at ground floor level, all
chamfered on each arris, late C16/early C17 lamb's tongue
chamfer stops, originally completely open at ground floor
level. Some middle rails of reused oak with some redundant
dovetail joints on ends, later knee braces bolted to posts and
binding joists, also with C19 primary braced and boarded
partial infilling. First floor, posts continued from, below
but plain. Roof of later C17 joggled butt side purlin type,
principals set at half bay intervals of lower framing, exposed
base tenons on principals show upper floor re-worked but
elegant hip construction remains. Grain bins and associated
framing contrived in softwood and inserted into earlier
construction. Original purpose of c1600 framing not clear but
has the appearance of a public building, market/court hall
moved here from elsewhere. It is significantly earlier than
the rest of the buildings of the architect designed animal
feeding complex of 1776 with which it stands, on the W side of
the central axis. The granary, together with the principal
buildings of Hatch Farm (qv) form a group.
Listing NGR: TQ6170790561
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Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 15 Essex,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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