(south side) 2/31 No.53 (The Courts Of
The Morning) G.V. II House. Circa 1890, in a free Queen Anne Revival style. Red brick with some
gauged window heads, and some tile hanging and planted timbers. Tile roof,
hipped to left. Irregular plan. 1 ½ storeys with 2 storeys in centre.
Coved eaves cornice, and 3 stacks with oversailing tops. Main elements
include: 2 semi dormers to left and one off-centre to right each with cross
window, pulvinated frieze with festoons, and pedimented gable. Circular
corner turret to right with mullioned and transomed windows on each floor,
pulvinated frieze with festoons, and ogee lead cap with finial. Large central
gable with central first floor half glazed door flanked by cross windows, and
curved ground floor bay with Ionic pilasters, ogee headed plate glass windows,
and balcony with timber balustrade above; 2 flanking octagonal turrets with
mullioned and transomed windows on each floor, pulvinated frieze with festoons,
and ogee lead caps with weathervanes. 2 ground floor casements to left and
blocked entrance with plate glass window, ogee head and triangular pediment;
4-panelled door to right. Gabled dormer in left-hand end with mullioned and
transomed oriel window, pulvinated frieze with festoons, and pedimented gable;
door and window under segmental head below. Central gable originally had
large stack in front, and central ground floor curved bay was formerly an
open loggia or porch. This is one of a group of houses sometimes known as
'The Seven Deadly Sins'. B.O.E, Berkshire, p.192; Berkshire Architectural
Guide, Betjeman and Piper, Murray, 1949, p.110 and p.137.
Listing NGR: SU6263476995
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Wiltshire, (1975), 192 'Murrays Architectural Guide' in Berkshire, (1949), 110 137
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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