SY 6195, 6295, 6395, 6194, DORCHESTER ROAD
6294, 6394 (comp.) (North side)
9/39 Nos. 24, 25, 26 and 27
and roadside walls. GV II
Row of four Estate Cottages. Dated 1868, on stone panel (ground floor centre).
Rock-faced masonry with Ham stone dressings, Claytile roofs, stone gable-copings
with moulded fleuron finials. Four steeply-pitched gables to front, and
gable ends, crested ridging. Coupled stone stacks with chamfered corners at
gable-ends: quadruple stack at centre ridge, capstones. 1½-2 storeys. 6 windows
in total. Ground-floor: 3 square bays each having 3-light stone mullions,
wooden sashes (original lozenges only at right hand end (no.24)), all under a
continuous pentice clay-tile roof carried over the doorways as canopies. First
floor windows: four, one to each gable, 2-light trefoiled with plated trefoil
in the head. Gables each have a single light with shouldered heads, lozenge
leaded windows. Front doors are paired, left and right of central bay, plank,
with ornamental strap-hinges, C19, chamfered stone jambs with pyramid stops.
Inscriptions, carved in projecting stone capitals on gable-ends: (west) "Let
the house of thy servant be blessed for ever"; east "Yea they may forget yet
will I not forget thee." Stone shields of arms over. Two rear wings gabled off
near ends. Each with stack. Roadside walls running for 20 metres in front of cottages. Coursed knapped flint
walls, with pitched coping-stones, roll-moulded at apex. Two entrances to
cottages having short square piers with pyramid tops.
Listing NGR: SY6264894989
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