SK 80 SW BELTON LITTLEWORTH LANE (West side) 3/19 Belton House II Large house, mainly of c1830 with traces of an earlier core. Stuccoed throughout,
though with one exposed stone section to rear. Two storeys. The entrance
front is of four bays, symmetrical but for an additional bay on the right,
containing a mullioned and transomed window to each floor. The other three
bays are symmetrical, with large outer octagonal pilaster buttresses, and
shallow pitched parapetted gables, the parapet emphasised by a string course.
Each gable contains a mullioned and transomed window to each floor, with
gothick traceried lights, and drop-ended hoodmoulds, and a quatrefoil decoration
in the apex. The central bay projects slightly, and has an embattled parapet,
and a mullioned and transomed window to first floor with gothick tracery.
Below this the door also projects slightly, and has its own octagonal piers
and an embattled-frieze, with a 4-centred arch and shields of arms in the
spandrels. 2 small lancet windows on each floor right of doorway. Plinth
and string course. Garden front is of 7 bays, balanced asymmetry. The outer bay to the left
is a full height canted bay window with embattled parapets, a mullioned
and transomed light on each face at each floor. Another identical bay is
in the centre of the elevation, and to each side of it, is a parapetted
gable ech with 2 mullioned and transomed window on each floor. To the outer
side of each gable is an octagonal pilaster buttress and it seems likely
that these-mark the original extent of the house of c1830 - the left hand
bay window, and the small bay to its right, with a single light window on
each floor, are additions of 1906, which match in exactly. All windows have
gothick tracery, and the details of plinth, string courses and parapets
are throughout similar to those of the entrance front. The left hand wing
is of 1906, containing an arched doorway and large canted and embattled
bay window. The rear elevation is less ornamented, part of exposed stone,
and renewed ground floor windows.
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