(north side) ) 5/115 The Manor House G.V. II Manor house. C17 and mid C18, altered early C19 and C20. Brick,
mainly rendered, with gabled and hipped slate roofs. Coursed
rubble plinth, dentillated eaves, moulded coped gables with
kneelers and finials. Single brick ridge stack. 2 storeys plus
garrets, 3 bays, T-plan. Main east front has off-centre C20
gabled brick porch, flanked to left by single plain sash, and to
right by single glazing bar sash, both with hood moulds. Beyond,
to right, a plain sash in blocked chamfered ashlar doorway.
Above, 2 plain sashes with hood moulds. South front has
projecting gabled wing to left with central French window in
chamfered ogee headed surround with hood mould. To left, single
storey lean-to, brick with slate roof and single casement. To
right, another C20 casement. Above, casement in chamfered reveal
with hood mould, and to right, C20 casement. Above again, a
trefoil light. West front has off-centre tower porch with
moulded coped gable, kneelers and finials, and to left, C18 rear
wing. To left, large C20 casement and to its right, 2 small
lights. Above, to left, C20 metal casement flanked by single
glazing bar sashes, and to right, in porch, tall 6 light
mullioned and transomed ashlar casement, possibly re-used from
FentonManor. North front has to left C20 lean-to brick and slate
porch, and to right, C20 casement. Above, single small light.
Listing NGR: SK7909883968
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