829-1/9/86 (North side)
No.20 GV II House, now ground floor shop with offices above. C16, altered
C17, C19 and C20. Two bay timber-framed structure, originally
jettied on front and west, dragon beam exposed in ground floor
ceiling of modern shop. The front appears to have been cut
back, the jetties underbuilding, and the front and east
elevations encased in brick c1867 (bricks in quoins of left
hand ground floor windows bear initials 'H.W.R.', with date
below). Red brick, Flemish bond, with yellow brick quoins, and
rubbed flat arches over windows on first floor and attics.
Yellow brick dentil cornice across truncated gable. C17
moulded wood eaves cornice along New Road. C19 machine tiled
roof with 4 courses of plain tiles alternating with three
courses of fish-scale tiles, modern fretted ridge tiles.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys and attics, front elevation, 3 storey,
with splayed parapet set across attic to left, which slices
the original gabled front. First and second floors one
recessed sash window with glazing bars, 2 first floor recessed
sash windows with glazing bars on New Road frontage. Ground
floor has 1970s small-paned window, replacing C19 shopfront,
modern door, splayed corner, two 1970s small-paned windows on
flank elevation to New Road, all apparently set in earlier
INTERIOR: heavy studding exposed in ground floor east wall,
together with elliptical arched door head, further studs
exposed in east wall of first floor front room, (now only
accessible from first floor of No.18 (qv). Attic (accessible
only from No.18) has exposed tie-beam of C17 date in north
wall, also visible externally. This indicates that the roof
was raised at this time to create a useable space.
(Edwards E and Perman D: Ware's Past In Pictures: Ware: 1991-:
8, 21).
Listing NGR: TL3595514251
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Books and journals Edwards, , Perman, , Wares Past in Pictures, (1991), 8 Edwards, , Perman, , Wares Past in Pictures, (1991), 21
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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