10/128 (east side) No 23 (Post Office
Nos 25, 27 and 29
(Bedford Row), No 31 (The
Curious Junk Shop) and
No 3
GV The address and the description shall be amended to read: TL 0698 SIBSON-CUM-STIBBINGTON WANSFORD
10/128 (east side) No 23 (Post Office)
Nos 25, 27 and 29
(Bedford Row) No 31 and
No 33 (Morva Bass)
Two shops and one house formerly a shop, and row of 3 houses formerly 6 houses.
Dated 1826 on plaque in rear elevation; C20 alterations. Dressed limestone rubble
with ashlar and freestone dressings. Welsh slated, and Collyweston stone slated
roofs. 2 storeys, L-plan; main north-south range formerly with 3 shops and elip-
tical headed archway to left of centre giving access to range east of No 23. Main
range: Hipped roof with left hand stack and 2 ridge stacks each with sawtooth brick
cornices; 3 shop windows and doorways with rectangular fanlights and with reeded
pilasters and common entablatures. Door to No 23 double leafed, modern door to
No 31 and to No 33 a C20 replacement, one twelve-pane hung sash window to left hand
with flat ashlar arched head and flush keystone, 6 similar first floor windows and
2 with replacement casements. Range to rear with 3 brick stacks; ashlar band con-
tinuous over window arches and doors with flush keystone; 6 doorways, 2 with
original flush-panelled doors; 6 ground floor and first floor casement windows.
No 23 a grover's shop in 1841 census returns, and No 33 a tailor's shop in 1827.
Estate Maps. 1818, 1838, Bedford R.O.
Gilbert, J.L. Stibbington Church and Parish, 1978 ------------------------------------ SIBSON-CUM-STIBBINGTON WANSFORD
TL 0698
(East Side)
10/128 No. 23 (Post Office)
Nos. 25, 27 and 29
(Bedford Row), No.
31 (The Curious Junk
Shop) and No. 33
Two shops and one house formerly a shop, and row of three houses formerly six
houses. Dated 1826 on plaque in rear elevation; C20 alterations. Dressed
limestone rubble with ashlar and freestone dressings. Welsh slated, and
Collyweston stone slated roofs. Two storeys, L-plan; main north-south range
formerly with three shops and eliptical headed archway to left of centre
giving access to range east of No. 23. Main range: Hipped roof with left
hand stack and two ridge stacks each with sawtooth brick cornices; three shop
windows and doorways with rectangular fanlights and with reeded pilasters and
common entablatures. Door to No. 23 double leafed, door to No. 31 with four
flush panels and to No. 33 a C20 replacement, one twelve-paned hung sash
window to left hand with flat ashlar arched head and flush keystone, four
similar first floor windows and two with replacement sashes. Range to rear
with three brick stacks; ashlar band continuous over window arches and doors
with flush keystone; six doorways, two with original flush-panelled doors;
six ground floor and first floor casement windows. No. 23 a grocer's shop in
1841 census returns, and No. 33 a tailor's shop in 1827. Estate Maps. 1818, 1838, Bedford R.O.
Gilbert, J.L. Stibbington Church and Parish, 1978
Listing NGR: TL0763798911
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Books and journals Gilbert, J L , Stibbington Church and Parish, (1978)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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