No 289, Park Lodge
TQ 27 NW SP1062
II House, late C17 or early C18, extended later C18 and said to be 1871. C17 and
C18 builds of red and brown brick, of mixed bonds, but mostly painted. Tile
roofs except to northern slope of later C18 block which is slated. 1871 build
of grey brick, stone dressings mostly rendered, tile roofs. Two parallel ranges,
that to north the earlier. Two storeys and cellars. Symmetrical facade to Putney
Bridge Road, with details of 1871. Part glazed door breaks through plain first
floor band. Left and right 2-light mullion windows of c1871 with Tudor arched
heads and beneath hood moulds. Each light a small paned sash, the upper panes
with Y glazing bars. Three similar first floor windows, except for missing glazing
bars to left and right lower sashes. Brick bond stops short of right hand end
where exposed brickwork in Flemish bond suggests infill of former lobby or extension
to north. Rendered plinth is continuous. Former bathroom block to west, now
removed, exposing original stack and patched brickwork C19 diagonally-set shafts.
Upper storey window reset from rear wing. Rear block, formerly symmetrical,
now has inserted windows to both storeys. Similarly detailed to north block.
Opposing doorway beneath slightly stilted head and overlight with moulded stone
hood. 1871 sashes with some remaining glazing bars, beneath hood moulds Three
gablets, that to centre taller and with larger niche.
Interior: North west room has exposed stack, altered, the original bressummer
mostly cut away; 1988 replacement. Exposed chamfered beam with very worn lambs'
tongue stops. Some square joists. North-east room has inserted ceiling presumably
covering similar structure. Vertically sliding shutters. Two C18 2-panel doors
with original hinges, removed at Inspection but intended to be rehung. Soft
wood staggered purlin roof to north range, probably later C18. Shallower pitch
probably C19 roof to rear range.
1871 wing to east. Asymmetrical, two storeys. Off centre entrance paired with
sash to right. Above paired first floor sashes beneath gablets. Canted bay
to left with sash beneath gablet above. Upper sashes, central sash to bay and
overlight to door have Y glazing bars. Heavy foliate stops to hood mould over
door. part glazed door,similarly detailed to windows. Moulded hood to ground
floor right window. Moulded rendered first floor cill band continues as coping
to parapet of canted bay.
Listing NGR: TQ2429075375
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