1559 (North-West Side)
No 3
SU 3521 4/103 II GV 2.
C17 to C18. 2-storeys and attic. Colourwashed brick with right hand part
including north wing along Newton Lane of timber framing, partly plastered.
Hipped old tile roof. One hipped dormer over right hand end. 5 windows on
1st floor; sash windows, 3 panes wide, with architrave frames. On ground
floor, 2 shop windows; wide, plate-glass, modern flanked by plain pilasters
at outer ends. Door at north end; flush panelled with upper part glazed.
Architrave frame; plain pilasters with shaped brackets over; flat moulded
hood breaking forward over pilasters. No 3 with Nos 20, 24 to 32 (consec), the Baptist Church, gate piers and
flanking walls Town Mill, Bell Street form a group. Nos 3 shall be amended to read Nos 1 and 3. The group notes should be attended to read: Nos 1 and 3 Middlebridge Street with Nos 20, 24 to 32 (consec), the Baptist
Church, south-west walls and piers, Bell Street form a group. Group value appearing against entries for No 3 Middlebridge Street with Nos
20, 24 to 32 (consec), the Baptist Church, gate piers and flanking walls,
Town Mill. Bell Street should be amended to read. Nos 1 and 3 Middlebridge Street with Nos 20, 24 to 32 (consec), the Baptist
Church, South-west walls and piers, Bell Street form a group. ------------------------------------
1. (North-West Side)
1559 --------------------
No 3
SU 3521 4/103 II GV 2.
C17 to C18. 2-storeys and attic. Colounwashed briak with right hand part
including north wing along Newton Lane of timber framing, partly plastered.
Hipped old tile roof. One hipped dormer over right hand end. 5 windows on
1st floor; sash windows, 3 panes wide, with architrave frames. On ground floor,
2 shop windows; wide, plate-glass, modern flanked by plain pilasters at outer
ends. Door at north end; flush panelled with upper part glazed. Architrave
frame; plain pilasters with shaped brackets over; flat moulded hood breaking
forward over pilasters. No 3 with Nos 20, 24 to 32 (consec), the Baptist Church, gate piers and flanking
walls Town Mill, Bell Street form a group.
Listing NGR: SU3521721029
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