SU 75 NE WINCHFIELD WINCHFIELD HOUSE 5/65 Winchfield House 8.7.52 - II* Late C18. 2 storeys, with semi-basement (in a narrow well on three sides) and
part-attic. Large, almost square, mansion with near-symmetrical treatment.
The east (symmetrical) elevations has 1.5.I windows, with a half-octagon pro-
jecting centre: a high parapet has a coping stone, a moulded and dentil cornice,
slightly-cambered openings, stone cills, and plinth: the slate hipped roof has
2 plain stacks, but on either side to the rear are square attic blocks with
pyramid roof. Sashes (all windows) in reveals. The west front, 1.3.1 windows,
has a half-octagon centrepiece of small projection, a lower parapet (hiding a
flat roof), no basement, and on the ground floor of the south part a window to-
gether with an entrance next to the corner: this doorway has a segmental pedi-
ment supported on 1/2-columns, the Order having inverted bell caps with low-relief
floral decoration, a flight of 5 steps with curving balustrades leads to a pave-
ment in front of the door. The south elevation has 3 windows, and a higher
nearly central square attic, which separates the lower parapet (of the west side)
from the higher one to the east: one French door at the 2nd floor level leads
to a curved balcony on 2 large brackets and with a delicate bow-shaped wrought
iron rail. The north front has windows on the west side, at irregular heights,
and a large chimney breast which narrows at the top to join with the attic block.
Walling is white-painted brickwork in stretcher bond. Good interiors, with an
Adam fireplace, panelling, folding shutters.
Listing NGR: SU7612555117
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