(north side)
The Former Ball Inn
10.11.98 GV II
Shop and store, formerly public house. Early C19, with mid C19 and C20 alterations. Rendered and painted brickwork, with brick ridge stacks, and a Welsh slate roof. Street corner site, with entrance at the angle of the 2 ranges. FRONT (south ELEVATION: 2 storeys, 2 bays with angled doorway to right with plain door and blocked rectangular overlight. Flanking the doorway are plain pilasters with console brackets at their heads, attached to fascia which extends to form triangular canopy to door opening. To the left, plain shop window to former bar, also with flanking pilasters, console brackets and plain fascia. Further left, second doorway with moulded pilasters, and lintel with moulded cornice framing plain door with rectangular overlight. Left of the doorway a plain sash window without glazing bars. 2 first floor sashes, 2 over 2 panes, and, above comer doorway, a street lamp hung from a wall-mounted bracket. Return elevation to Ball Street with blocked ground floor openings and 2 altered first floor openings. Rear elevations are of early C19 red brick, with blocked upper floor openings with flat soldier arch heads. One opening to Ball Street range retains 3-light glazing bar casement. INTERIOR: Interior plan modified, but room compartments of former public house remain with some panelled and plain boarded doors. Stick baluster stair with curved handrail. Former bar roof with moulded plaster cornice carried across room on exposed spine beam. Blocked tall stair window with architrave surround. A single small cast-iron hearth surround survives at ground floor level. C19 roof structure, with single purlins and a king-post truss with angled struts. Attached to, and forming part of the setting of Cornish Place (item 784/224), and part of the setting of Brooklyn Works (item 784/392), with which it fonI1S a group. An increasingly rare survival of a small comer public house at the heart of an historic manufacturing district in Sheffield. Such public houses were a characteristic component of these districts, strategically sited close to the steel and tool works, and sometimes attached to them, as in this instance. Listing NGR: SK3491188221
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