(West side (off))
Mylnhurst Convent School and adjoining stable range
House, now convent school, and adjoining stable range. Dated
1883. For William Greaves Blake. Coursed squared stone with
ashlar dressings and slate roofs. Coped multiple ridge stack.
Eclectic Renaissance Revival style.
EXTERIOR: plinth, string course, sillband, moulded eaves,
moulded coped gables of various forms. 2 storeys; 3 x 7
windows. Windows have stone surrounds, mullions and transoms.
Entrance front has recessed centre with a double plain sash,
and below, a 4-light lancet with transom. To left a shouldered
Flemish gable with a canted 2 storey stone bay window with
hipped stone roof with lucarnes and cast-iron crest. 3 cusped
single lancets, and below, 3 plain sashes. To right, a similar
smaller projecting gable with a double plain sash, and below,
a pointed arched doorway with ornamented spandrels. Recessed
door with etched glass round-headed lights, moulded surround
and fanlight, with hoodmould and stops. Shouldered right gable
has a slit window in the peak, and a cross casement on the
ground floor.
Right return has to left a square staircase tower, 2 stages,
with moulded string courses, billeted corbel table and stepped
crenellated parapet. Higher external coped stack to left.
Segmental pointed first floor opening with enriched tympanum,
containing a cross casement with shafts. Below, a stepped
triple lancet stair window with shafts and linked hoodmould.
To right, a projecting block with off-centre Flemish gable and
pierced balustrade. In the gable, a cross casement and above,
a double lancet. Below, a 3-light mullioned window. To left, a
3-light mullioned window on each floor. To right, a slightly
projecting parapeted porch with moulded elliptical arched
doorway. Above and behind, a stone bridge with timber-framed
superstructure and rendered nogging, spanning the angle
between the house and the stable range. One double and 2
single lancets, with leaded glazing. 2 storey stable range has
archway flanked to left by a canted wooden oriel window.
Below, to left, a segmental pointed doorway and a buttress.
Garden front has 3 bay main block to right, with recessed
centre with pierced balustrade. Two 2-light mullioned windows
on each floor, the upper ones smaller. Above again, a gabled
through-eaves dormer with cross casement. On either side, a
projecting wing with shouldered Flemish gable. Right wing has
a 2 storey square bay window with crenellated parapet, and a
4-light mullioned window on each floor, the upper one with
shouldered lights. Above again, a cross casement. Left gable
has a canted 2 storey bay window with pierced balustrade, and
a 3-light mullioned window on each floor, the lower one in a
central hipped projection. Above again, a cross casement.
To left, a set back wing with two 2-light windows above and
two 3-light windows below. To left again, a projecting gabled
wing with a canted first floor stone oriel window with
crenellated parapet, carried on a shaft with cushion capital.
Ground floor has on either side a 2-light window.
INTERIOR: ground floor front room has cross beam ceiling and
moulded cornice, and wooden fireplace and overmantel c1900.
Listing NGR: SK3278383956