The following building shall be addd: SANCTON LOW STREET
SE 93 NW
(south side)
1017-/12/10000 The White Row
II Row of 5 estate cottages. c 1820. Red brick and rubble walling with
brick dressings, now whitewashed. Pantile roof, with one gable and
3 ridge stacks. 2 storey. North, street front 5 windows. Ground floor
has from left to right; door, window, 2 doors, 2 windows, door; the
windows are glazing bar sliding sashes, and the doors 4 panelled, all
with segment heads. Above 5 glazing bar sliding sashes all with
wooden lintels. Garden front, ground floor has from left to right;
door, window, door, window, small window, door with gable porch,
window, small double window, door, window, door, window; the windows
are sliding sashes, and the doorways have plank doors, all with
segment heads. Above from left to right; window, double window,
window, double window, double window, window, all with sliding sashes
to eaves. To the left a single storey lean-to. Interior. These
cottages survive virtually un-altered with a range in the front room,
brick floors, plank doors, chamfered beams. Each cottage has a single
flight stair with stick balusters.
Listing NGR: SE9001239332
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