In the entry for:
TQ 9220
(south east side)
Numbers 16 and 16A (The Other House)
The entry shall be amended to read;
TQ 9220
(south east side)
Number 16, Cobble Cottage
II* (star)
House. C1500 timber-framed building refaced in early C19.
Exterior clad in stucco with incised lines. Steeply-pitched
old tiled roof with gablet to right and large hipped dormer to
left. Moulded eaves cornice. Two storeys; 2 windows.
Sixteen-pane casements in moulded architraves to first floor.
Ground floor has 2 large C19 shopfronts with 8-panes, reeded
corners and half-glazed door. To the left side is an early C19
door with 3-pane fanlight, 4 reeded panels and step to street.
This is reputed to have been a through passage within living
memory. Interior has exposed close-studded beams. On the first
floor in the original Parlour are painted beams at ceiling
level consisting of a frieze of panels incorporating
black-letter inscriptions and enclosed by a "twisted rope"
border in red with black outline. The decorative sequence
between the panels features a stylised Tudor rose, a
three-feather motif and a roundel with the initials EP for
Edward Prince of Wales, later Edward VI. This dates the scheme
to either 1537, the date of his birth, or 1547, the date of
his accession to the throne. The words that can be made out
are as follows:-
" evermore love god and hem ever dreade ever Jesu above all... ... in heaven shall be thy dwellyng
do good wyth thy handes the deade hath no... man wythout ...shall [?] meet hett [it]well amende".
In January 1992 evidence of a wall painting scheme was found below the painted beam on the north
wall but at the inspection date only 3 sections had been uncovered to minimise damage, given the
fragile condition of the original paint. Exposed chamfered beams and curved tension brace. C18
staircase. Attic has old oak floorboards and rafters with collar beams. C16 wall paintings on beams are
quite rare and can only very rarely be accurately dated.
(See "The History of Cobble Cottage, West Street, Rye" by Debrett's Sept 1992 and conservation
reports by Stephen Rickerby of July 1991 and May 1992).
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The above entry shall be e so li s ;L t i_it ail by: -
TQ 9220
(South East Side)
No 16
(No 17 (The Other House)
Probably one house originally. C18 front to a timber-framed building.
2 storeys and attic. 1 window each. Stuccoed. Tiled roof. 1 dormer
to No 16. C19 shop fronts, though not now used as such. Glazing bars
intact in the sash windows above. Small addition to the north of No 17
with a lower facade containing a wide archway for carriages and 1 window
over it. Interior wall painting, circa 1600, of Rye and Winchelsea.
Nos 1 & 2, Norman House, The Tower House, Lamb House, Nos 13 to 17
(consec) and No 1 Mermaid Street form a group.
The above entry shall be substituted by:
Listing NGR: TQ9201920326