SK 5463 NW
(north side)
5/45 Farm buildings
Nos.57 and 59
Threshing barn, hay barn and stables. Mid C18 and late C19.
Coursed squared rubble, dressed stone and brick, with gabled and
hipped pantile roofs. Dressed stone quoins. Single ridge stack.
2 storeys. 3 bays wide by 6 bays long. Windows are casements,
mostly unglazed or blocked. Barn, to north has to south, altered
barn door with wooden lintel and inserted stable door. To left,
a small light and a breather. Above, 2 rows of 3 breathers.
West gable has a casement and a breather. Above, 2 breathers,
and above again, casement flanked by 2 breathers. Above again,
a breather. Rear has to right, ruined lean-to addition with
garage door to west. Altered off-centre barn doors with wooden
lintel, flanked to left by a hatch. Above, to left, metal
casement. 3 rows of breathers. Common rafter roof with butt
purlins. A single C19 king post truss. Hay barn, to east, has
to west central stable door flanked by single windows, one
slatted, and beyond, single doors. Above, 3 bay hay barn with
brick piers. To south, stable, 3 unequal bays. To left, stable
door flanked by single casements. To right, garage door with
wooden lintel and brick cheeks. Beyond again, 2 casements.
Above, a casement to left. Adjoining stable and flat, to south,
blank. East side has to left, C20 casement and to its right, 2
doors and a casement with common wood lintel. To right again,
Yorkshire sash and door with overlight. Above, to left, a
casement. To right, 3 gabled cross eaves dormers with casements.
Remainder of east side covered by C20 farm buildings. Included
for group value only.
Listing NGR: SK5422663556
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