1112-1/27/1020 (South East side)
14/06/54 Nos.21 AND 25 GV II* Formerly known as: Nos.16, 17 AND 18 STONEGATE.
Three houses; now two shops. C15 origins; part raised in late
C16, part in C18; extension to No.25 c1700, other extensions
late C19; C19 shopfront, altered. Restored 1974.
MATERIALS: original building timber-framed, front now
plastered; extension of c1700 in orange-red brick in English
garden-wall bond; other wings of orange-brown brick in Flemish
bond and orange brick in English garden-wall bond: plain tile
roofs and brick stack.
EXTERIOR: 4-bay front, left two bays 2-storeyed with attics,
right two bays 3 storeys and gabled: first floor and second
floor of right end bay jettied. Shopfronts framed in plain
pilasters with moulded imposts beneath cased jetty bressumer
have glazed and panelled shop doors and plate glass windows
over panelled risers: passage entrance in centre closed by
pair of slatted ramped-up gates with brass plate incorporating
"T Anderson MD" in foliate border at left side. On first
floor, both end windows are oriels, right one with 16-pane
centre sash, left one with tall 3-pane casements: in centre,
two 16-pane sashes. Second floor windows to No.21 are one
16-pane sash, one 4-pane fixed light. Dormers to left end bays
are raking, with 12- or 9-pane lights.
Rear: wing to No.21 carried on colonnade of cast-iron columns
with leaf capitals over half width of through passage.
3-storied wing at rear of No.21 has 16-pane first floor sash,
4-pane second floor sash, both with soldier brick arches, and
hipped roof. Window over passageway is narrow 12-pane sash
with segmental brick arch. 3-storey wing at rear of No.25 is
gabled: first and second floor windows are 2- and 3-light
INTERIOR: timber-frame exposed extensively on all floors of
front range. In left of centre bay, winder staircase rises
from first to second floor with close strings, slender turned
balusters, square newels and steeply ramped moulded handrail.
Blocked small round-headed cast-iron fireplaces survive in
rear ground floor room to right of passage, and in first floor
right end room.
HISTORICAL NOTE: from 1898 to 1902, George Walton, designer
and collaborator in Glasgow with Charles Rennie Mackintosh,
worked from premises at No.21 Stonegate.
(City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 228).
Listing NGR: SE6025852038
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Books and journals An Inventory of the City of York V Central, (1981), 228
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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