1112-1/27/408 (East side)
14/06/54 No.47
The Anglers' Arms and attached
buildings at rear GV II* Formerly known as: No.36 The Anglers' Arms Public House
Public house and attached outbuilding at rear. Front range
c1500 with early C17 wing, altered in mid C19; mid C19 inn
front: outbuilding c1600, with later alterations.
MATERIALS: all parts timber-framed: front range has plastered
front, rear some exposed timber-framing with brick infill,
some orange, some reused, some rendered: wing has exposed
timber-frame on first floor and ground floor encased in red
brick in stretcher bond; part of wing rebuilt in orange-brown
brick in English garden-wall bond, painted on ground floor:
pantile roofs and brick stacks. Outbuilding rebuilt variously,
in orange brick in English garden-wall and stretcher bonds and
red brick in random bond, with tile and pantile roofs and
brick stacks.
EXTERIOR: front range 2 bays of 4-bay range shared with Nos 49
and 51 (qv), 3-bay wing, and 3-bay outbuilding at rear.
3-storey 2-bay front with jettied first and second floors:
first floor jetty encased in boarded fascia projecting on
coved and shaped brackets. Inn front has folding panelled
3-leaf door to left of centre and 3-panel door at right end,
both with plain overlights: window to left is of plate glass
with divided transom light, over painted brick riser; to
right, large plate glass window and smaller one further right,
both over moulded panel risers. First floor has pivoting
2-pane window flanked by squat 4-pane sashes, second floor two
2x2-pane Yorkshire sashes, all in raised architraves and with
applied diamond lattice leading. Second floor jetty plate is
moulded; eaves cornice, moulded and dentilled, on shaped
brackets. Wing has one C20 and one 4-panel door; windows are
various and include 16-pane sash on ground floor, 4-pane sash
and two 2x3-pane Yorkshire sashes on first floor. Outbuilding
has various doors and two 2- and 3-light windows to first
floor at rear.
INTERIOR: front range has exposed timber-framing on all
floors, with studded cross-walls on first and second floors
and studded partition walls between rooms on second floor
retained. Entrance screen and ground floor walls lined with
C19 board panelling. Part of first floor removed to form
2-storey central bar on ground floor. First floor room to
right screened with re-used incised-panel shutters. On second
floor, room to left has cast-iron fireplace with coved frieze
decorated with leaf and rosette mouldings. On third floor, 3-panel door at foot of newel stair in rear corner. Rebuilt
bay of rear wing has staircase from ground to second floor,
with boxed lowest flight, upper flights with turned balusters
and plain handrail. Outbuilding has inserted upper floor.
The inn was known as The Board in 1852.
(City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 138-140).
Listing NGR: SE6048052098
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
Legacy System number:
Legacy System:
Books and journals An Inventory of the City of York V Central, (1981), 138-140
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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