1112-1/28/177 (East side)
24/06/83 Nos.19 AND 21 GV II Offices. No.19 dated 1883; No.21 dated 1887; later
MATERIALS: front of red brick, rear of pink and grey mottled
brick, both in Flemish bond, with terracotta dressings;
shopfronts of painted stone and cast-iron to No.19, and timber
to No.21. Wrought-iron balcony on brackets to first floor of
No.19. Elaborate brick cornice stacks to slate mansard roof.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys and attic; 2-window front to No.19,
3-window front to No.21.
No.19 has shopfront of Composite pilasters with sunk panels
filled with foliate mouldings, beneath broad frieze and
dentilled cornice on block consoles, crowned with semicircular
gablets. At left end is ornate panelled door and radial-glazed
fanlight in enriched semicircular arch with heavily moulded
keyblock, on scrolled brackets. Above door is a frieze panel
containing a low relief cartouche incorporating the initials
IR, between putti holding swags. To right of door are shallow
canted bay windows on each side of centre window, probably
altered from shop door, all framed in twisted Ionic columns of
painted cast-iron; windows have small pane glazing, the outer
ones with transom lights with crossed glazing bars, centre one
with radial glazed fanlight. First and second floors bordered
with two tiers of fluted pilaster strips. On first floor,
window to right is inserted canted bay with margin-glazed
centre sash; to left, 2-light casement in keyed elliptical
arch on moulded console imposts, continued as fluted impost
string across the front. Dentilled cornice above. On second
floor, tripartite window to right, with 4-pane centre sash,
and 4-pane sash to left, over moulded sill band on fluted
block brackets. Fluted continuous lintel forms architrave to
eaves entablature with frieze of garlanded panels and
dentilled cornice on grooved consoles, terminating in
spherical urns with finials. Right end frieze panel contains
date. Attic has two dormer windows with 4-pane sashes beneath
semicircular pediments filled with flutes radiating from
No.21 has shopfront of part fluted, part panelled Composite
pilasters on tall pedestals, with sunk panel frieze and
dentilled cornice on grooved brackets. Elliptical central arch
with grooved keyblock contains recessed replacement door
approached by steps; to left, similar arch on corbels closed
by iron gate. Ground floor windows are of 3 lights with
small-pane glazing and timber mullions and transoms, over
ironwork grilles of similar design as the gate. Upper floors
bordered by two tiers of sunk panel pilasters. On first floor, 2-light centre window has pedimented surround of sunk panel
Composite pilasters with panelled frieze and bracketed
cornice: pediment tympanum contains moulded date cartouche
surrounded by foliage trails. Outer windows are 3-light canted
bays with elliptical arched heads on moulded imposts, beneath
dentilled cornice continued as band across the front. On
second floor, centre window is flanked by pilasters, the outer
ones by panels of low relief flower mouldings. Windows are
2-light casements over moulded sill band, beneath keyed
elliptical arches linked by dentilled impost band. Window
heads break into frieze of moulded swagged panels, beneath
cornice similar to that of No.19. Attic centre window is of
paired round-headed lights, in pedimented surround with
obelisk finial and moulded cartouche and foliage trails in
tympanum. On each side are inserted 4-light, flat-topped
INTERIOR: of No.19. Half-panelled lobby door with margin
glazing in glazed and panelled screen. Outer lobby, entrance
hall and stairhall panelled in painted cast-iron strips with
fluted skirting; dado of rinceaux with flowers; sunk panel
pilaster strips with panelled shafts enriched with foliate
trails and enriched Composite capitals, on tall pedestals
moulded with figures in high relief representing the Seasons;
frieze of arabesques with flowers and blank cartouches; high
relief lion masks mark intersection of pilasters and dado
strips. Flat stairhall arch on Composite pilasters with
moulded shafts incorporating a variety of forms including
foliage, cornucopias, herms, and ribbons; capitals enriched
with lion masks, shells and palm leaves. Close string
staircase with turned balusters, moulded handrail and turned
newel with brass finial. Heavily moulded plaster ceiling to
all parts, including underside of stairs.
INTERIOR: of No.21 not inspected.
Listing NGR: SE6037751559
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