SK 93 SE OLD SOMERBY SCHOOL LANE 5/51 Church of St. Mary Magdalene
G.V. II* Parish Church; C12, C13, C14, C15 with C18 and 1876 alterations and additions.
Coursed rubble limestone with slate roof; ashlar with lead roof. Western
tower, nave, south aisle and porch, chancel, vestry. Ashlar tower re-erected
in C18 on earlier base. 3 stages with plain parapet. Small lancets to 2nd
stage south side and 1st stage west side. 4 double belfry lights with blank
foiled circle in tympana. North wall in coursed rubble with 2 stepped
buttresses and large eastern buttress with small rectangular light housing stair
to rood loft. 2 late C14 square headed 3 light windows with reticulated
tracery. Ashlar clerestorey with plain parapet and 2 C15 2 light windows
and triangular heads and hood moulds. 1876 vestry abuts chancel. Chancel in
coursed rubble with slate roof. East window C19 restoration under original
C14 decorated label stops. Late C14 square headed 2 light altar window, C15
priests door, C14 2 light window to south side of chancel. South aisle materials
as chancel, with late C14 2 light east and west windows, and on south face a
small C16 window under heavy hood mould, 4 light C15 window with 4 centre arch.
2 scratch dials beside the porch. C13 opening, door has reset early ironwork
hinges. South clerestorey in ashlar, lead roof behind battlemented parapet
three 2-light C15 windows with triangular heads of low pitch. Interior; arcade
of 2 bays with quatrefoil piers with keeled shafts in the diagonals and double
chamfered arches. Tower arch with C14 responds but arch reconstructed in
C18. C12 chancel arch with semi-circular responds and nook shafts, both with
scalloped capitals. Zigzag moulding to arch. Piscina in south aisle. Full
stairs to rood loft on north side. Nave roof C19 reusing C15 tie beams.
In chancel C19 piscina and 2 statue brackets on east wall. Fittings: seats
and pulpit 1876 restoration although some reused C15 work in pulpit. C19
altar rail. Reredos erected in 1901 in carved oak with figures by Zwink and
Hems of Exeter. Behind are set panels from C15 oak screen. Monuments: C14
recumbent knight in chancel, at his feet his horse and groom. Marble tablet
1684 to Dame Elizabeth Brownlowe, corinthian columns with an urn on top set in
an open pediment, all garlanded. Smaller tablet to her daughter Jane d.1670,
plus an epitaph to a virgin beneath. In the nave a marble tablet with
corinthian pilasters and segmental pediment to John Hotchkin, Rector, d.1744.
In the chancel floor 2 small brass plates, one with Coat of Arms and text to
Peregrine Bradshaw d.1673, the other with Latin inscription to Robert Bawde
d.1509. In the north aisle fragments of C14 stained glass of the arms of
Threckingham family. Late C 14 octagonal font with traceried designs to 6
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