SS92NE SKILGATE CP - 10/101 Surridge Farmhouse and
outbuildings adjoining on west
- - II Farmhouse with adjoining outbuilding's. C16, some internal alterations C18, altered and enlarged late C19-early C20.
Rendered over rubble and cob, asbestos slate roof, hipped to left over adjoining outhouse and hipped on C19 range
returned to left, roughcast external stack right gable end, lateral stack rising at rear of centre elevation masked by
outshots, roughcast stack left at junction with outbuilding. T-plan: 3-cell and cross passage with roughly coeval wing
at rear flanked by outshots, stair inserted into cross passage, entry now via gable end left with cider house and loft
over adjoining Two storeys, 2:4 bays, all C19 3-light wooden casements to farmhouse right, half-glazed door third bay
right, left unglazed 2-light opening with C20 window right, ground floor small 2-light unglazed steeply chamfered
mullioned window, wide plank door with long hinges, possibly C17, opening right and plank door to gable end stack with
recessed porch. Interior: altered late C19-early C20 but still containing much of interest. Bressummer beam to kitchen
fireplace blocked with modern grates, 4-panel steeply chamfered compartment ceiling to hall, inner room with roughly
chamfered stud and plank partition, C18 raised and fielded panel door to outshot, chamfered beams with step and runout
stops to dairy wing and kitchen, fielded panel cupboard beside right gable end fireplace on first floor; 2 pairs of
jointed cruck trusses visible forming central bay. Unchamfered beams to cider house. Two bay returned loft over stable
with external stair set in angle, outshot at rear. Set into hillside with evidence of internal damp.
Listing NGR: SS9770127645
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