The following building shall be added:-
TQ 2579 SE & TQ 2679 SW VICTORIA ROAD, W8 37/58 and 38/58
No 52 (Eldon Lodge)
II Semi-detached studio-house on a corner plot. Main facade to Eldon Road. 1851-3,
built by Daniel Edwards for Alfred Hitchen Corbould, painter of horses and dogs.
c1867, studio wing added by Thomas Henry Watson for Edward Henry Corbould, professor
of painting and drawing to Queen Victoria's children. Red brick with stucco
dressings. Slated roof with terracotta crestings; cross gable and dormer to
Eldon Road facade. Gable to Victoria Road with timber bargeboard, enriched at apex.
Two storeys, attic and basement. Irregular fenestration. "Tudor" style. Main
facade with "Tudor-Gothic" entrance of heavy timber, 18-panelled carved door in
enriched stucco frame with hoodmould carrying on up over 3-light overlight. To
left, segmental arched servants entrance with door having top panel of traceried
lights: recessed lancet to right. Most windows 2 or 3-light transom and mullion
type with hoodmoulds. Above entrance, two 3-light windows flanking a small window
having an elaborately carved stone screen with central figure in a roundel;
surmounted by a carved tablet. To left of entrance bay, the studio with three
3-light horizontally set barred semi-basement windows above which a moulded stepped
string course then a central 3-light vertically set window flanked by two 3-light
horizontally set windows; all with small geometrically patterned panes apart from
central semi-basement window with stained glass, To right of entrance bay, main
house continues with 3-light bay window having brick pillars at angles and slate
penthouse roof and moulded string course at first floor level; similar window and
string course to Victoria Road facade. Interior has complex layout and many
features of interest including much panelling and carved wooden features some of
which may be of considerable age. Entrance hall lit by door overlight with large
stained glass armorial panel and to either side by 2 and 3 pointed light windows in
carved and panelled frames to adjoining rooms. Stairs the width of the hall lead to
ground floor landing. Timber stairs with enriched linen-fold panelling dados and
square newels with metal figure lamp-holders to bottom newels; 3 risers with panels
of Vitruvian scroll fretwork, lighting and being illuminated from, semi-basement.
Landing with large mirror in elaborate carved frame of flanking fluted columns
supporting entablature with pulviated frieze. Carved timber frieze at top of wall
and timber ceiling of carved panels filled with geometric pattern and central
bosses, some of masks. To left, arcaded screen and panelled stairs lead to large
semi-basement room in studio wing with full-height carved timber chimney piece with
columns supporting mantle. Central southern window with 3 panels of very old
stained glass, one being of St Peter. Above this room, the studio, now a chapel.
Full height chimney piece with paired columns converted to take altar with elaborate
reredos having coats of arms in top frieze; carved timber communion rails. Panelled
walls with cusped cornice frieze. Elaborately carved double entrance doors with
panels of linen-fold and tracery with figures, decorate cast iron work and hinges;
in panelled frame. Southern flanking door with 6 panels of carved bas relief
architectural scenes with figures; northern flanking door with case of fluted Ionic
pilasters and overdoor of 2 panels of bas relief scenes. Northern wall with
attached narrow carved screen of the Annunciation. Lower beamed ceiling now
inserted. To right of entrance hall landing and entrance flanked by elaborately
carved Burmese pillars, (one surmounted by an elephant, the other a monkey) leading
to a C17 style open well panelled stair with twisted balusters and square newels.
Door under stair to basement with old carved panel of the Last Supper above.
One ground floor room with Adam style decoration including moulded plaster festoon
frieze and ceiling and carved fireplace and door panels. Two first floor rooms with
Adam style panelling, fireplaces and plasterwork to ceilings. Most wc's with
original enriched pedestals and wooden seats; on first floor at T Crapper & Co,
cistern. First floor bathrooms and wc's with good tiles of multiple shades of red.
Semi-basement virtually unaltered with fitted wooden dresser and cupboards to
kitchen and fireplaces. In passageway, a servants call board from
J A S Shoolbred & Co, Tottenham Court Road.
Listing NGR: TQ2598679225
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