817-1/19/244 (North side)
10/02/50 No.12 GV II House. Mid C18, with mid C19 rear wing. Yellow brick, Flemish
bond, with orange-red dressings, partly tuck-pointed. Rear
wing of red brick, old tiled roof beyond parapet with stone
coping. Tall red brick chimney at right (east) with band and
orange clay pots, hipped slated roof to rear wing, which lies
partly behind No.10 to east. 3-bay front with side entry, and
tunnel at far left (west) giving access to rear garden; 4 bay
rear facade partly overlaid at left (east) by rear wing.
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys and basement, with 2-storey rear wing.
First floor has 3 nearly flush-set 12-pane sash windows with
architrave surrounds under red brick rubbed flat arches, above
which is plat band at second-floor level. Second floor with 3
squatter proportioned 12-pane sashes, with moulded red brick
cornice above red brick rubbed flat arches. Ground floor has
two 12-pane sashes, centre and right, with plat band above
flat arches. Left-hand bay has 6 fielded panelled door with
ogee traceried Gothick fanlight above, panelled reveals,
panelled pilasters with cut profiled consoles supporting
cornice hood. At far left is side door to tunnel, 4 panels,
architrave frame, with red rubbed brick flat arch above. Full
height red brick quoins to jambs of all windows.
Rear elevation in red brick, with segmental arched brick
window heads; rear wing with C19 sashes, and French windows.
Single storey timber-framed wash-house with pantiled roof,
with fireplace and pump inside.
INTERIOR: dining Room, ground floor rear with C18 moulded wood
cornice, triple sash windows with shutters, panelled dado;
Drawing Room in rear wing has mid C19 plaster cornice with
scotia moulding, bead, Acanthus flower cove and roll, scroll
with honeysuckle band, white marble fire surround with Tuscan
pilasters. Dogleg plan newel staircase, closed string, with
stick balusters and moulded handrail; back stair of similar
construction, with access door 2 panel, raised and fielded.
First floor has raised and fielded 4-panel doors, landing and
2 rooms with moulded wood cornices, east front bedroom with
C19 plaster cornice, shutter boxes with panelling below, C19
white marble fire surround with cast-iron grate.
Attics have 2 panel doors with H-hinges in broad architrave
frames; moulded wood cornice in large front attic.
Basement with dogleg stair access, front room with kitchen
range. 3 cellars below C19 rear wing with red brick floors.
Roof has some riven rafters with thin ridge board. Collars
support side purlins.
(Forrester H: Timber-framed buildings in Hertford and Ware:
Hitchin: 1964-: 26). Listing NGR: TL3237012342
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This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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