817-1/17/115 (North side)
10/02/50 Nos.10 AND 11
Gravesons GV II Includes: No.8 SALISBURY SQUARE.
House, now department store. Early C18, with C19 and later
alterations. Timber-framed and plastered, stuccoed ground
floor, right-hand roof end hipped, all now concrete tiled
above coved eaves cornice.
EXTERIOR: 6 bay south elevation to Market Place, with windows
paired in a slightly irregular spacing; 3 bay right flank
(east) elevation to Salisbury Square. 3 storeys and attics.
First floor (south) has 6 slightly recessed 12-pane sash
windows with projecting moulded architraves; second floor has
two 12-pane flush-set sash windows to left, the remainder
slightly recessed. Rusticated quoins at ends of elevation.
Ground floor has continuous late C19 shop front, with modified
plate glass windows, panelled pilasters and consoles at left
and right, with canted fascia, blind box and moulded cornice
at first floor sill level.
Right flank (east) elevation has 3 flush set first-floor
windows with moulded projecting architraves, (with plain
glazing and upper light above transom, replacing sashes).
Second floor with 3 flush set 12-pane sashes. Ground floor has
late C19 shopfront across width of 3 windows above, modified
plate glazing, fascia with scrolls and panels below left and
right first-floor windows, and moulded cornice. Moulded
plaster cornice either side lines with lower edge of fascia,
stuccoed walls with rusticated quoins at outer corners, and
stucco plinth lining with stallriser.
3 box casement dormers (centre 3 light) on front, 1 on
right-hand flank facing Salisbury Square.
INTERIOR: largely remodelled and opened out to create retail
showrooms, and remaining structure covered with shopfittings.
Rear (north) wall on ground and first floors opened out into
late C19 extension on site of Nos 1 & 3 Maidenhead Street
HISTORICAL NOTE: the drapery trade in Hertford was dominated
by the Pollards, Robinsons and Gravesons, all Quaker families,
from the turn of the C18/19. By the end of the century
Graveson and Robinson had joined forces, and in 1899 William
and Alfred Graveson took full control, shortly after the new
premises on the corner of Maidenhead Street and Salisbury
Square had been built (Nos 1 & 3 Maidenhead Street, (qv)).
(Green L: Hertford's Past in pictures: Ware: 1993-: 112-3). Listing NGR: TL3266412620
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Books and journals Green, L, Hertfords Past in Pictures, (1993), 112-113
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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