784-1/6/239 (South West side)
Darnall School (now playgroup) rear
range GV II School, now playgroup premises. 1892, with late C20
alterations. By CJ Innocent. For the Sheffield School Board.
Coursed squared stone with ashlar dressings and gabled and
hipped slate roofs with decorative ridge tiles, topped with an
octagonal wooden bell turret with swept octagonal spire and
finial. Single lozenge-shaped ridge stack. Gothic Revival
EXTERIOR: sillband and coped main gables with kneelers. Single
storey plus basement; 8 window range. In the centre, 2 large
through-eaves dormers, each with a cross casement with
shouldered lights, set in a pointed arched recess. Between the
windows, a buttress, and above it, an unglazed lancet. To
right, a single window, then a smaller through-eaves dormer
with a shouldered single light. Beyond, a gabled cross-wing
with a graduated 4-light window with shouldered lights, set in
a pointed arched recess with 3 breathers in the peak. Beyond
again, a lower hipped section with a 2-light flush mullioned
window, and a door below it.
Set back lower entrance block, to left, has a through-eaves
dormer with a shouldered single light, flanked to left by a
single window. Left gable has a 3-light pointed arched window
and below, a 2-light window and a door, both segment-headed.
Main block rear elevation has similar fenestration to the
front. Basement has 4 Tudor arched openings, all blocked, the
right one with a narrow door inserted. To left, gabled
cross-wing with a graduated 3-light window with pointed
central light flanked by shouldered lights. Below, 2 Tudor
arched glazing bar windows. To left again, hipped section with
two 2-light flush mullioned windows and below, a larger flush
mullioned window. To its right, a door with elliptical arched
tympanum and mullioned overlight, flanked to right by a small
single window.
INTERIOR not inspected.
(Researches by G Hague, Sheffield City Council).
Listing NGR: SK3879488254
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