8-14 II Workshops and offices, formerly integrated manufactory. c. 1905, with mid- and late C20 alterations and additions. Red brick with painted dressings and extensive cut and moulded brick ornament. Hipped roof with chimney to west end and a slate slate covering.
PLAN: Rectangular site with parallel storeyed ranges to north and south of central yard, now largely overbuilt.
EXTERIOR: 11-bay frontage range of 2 storeys above a basement, rising from an interrupted low chamfered plinth. Tall ground floor, with 3 pedestrian doorways, and 10 window openings, the openings defined by shallow brick pilasters with thin cushion capitals, rising from plinth, which support a painted ribbed lintel band. Paired doors to bay 1, that to the left a tall 8-panel door with barred rectangular overlight, that to the right a C20 3-panel door with infilled overlight leading to ground floor offices. Third door to bay 9 set in deep reveal, gives access to end 3 bays. Ground floor windows inset within brick panel, of 2 and 3 -light form, each light of 2 panes with small pane overlights. The light have moulded frames and mullions , and are set upon stepped chamfered cills. At centre and right-hand end of elevation, tall basement lights with diamond lattice glazing rise to underside of cills of ground floor windows. Above lintel band, a composite storey band of cut brickwork and painted stone. Upper floor windows on shallow painted cills with toothed brickwork below, the openings with semi-circular rubbed brick arched heads below painted hood moulds which spring from painted imposts. Late C20 window frames. Deep cornice of moulded and cut brickwork set above thin string course. Rear elevation of frontage range now largely obscured by infil to rear yard.
INTERIOR: Not inspected.
HISTORY: The directory reference to the site in 1916 lists the occupiers as W.H. Haseler, Jewellers. In 1920, the Haseler works was considerably enlarged by the construction of the adjacent works at Nos. 16-24 Hylton Street now in separate ownership.
Forms a group with Nos. 2-6, Hylton Street (item 22/11) and Nos. 16-24 Hylton Street (item 7/10304)
An early C20 purpose-built jewellery works, little altered externally, and , together with the adjacent factory ( formerly in the same ownership and designed as an extension to the works) forming an prominent example of early C20 industrial architecture at the heart of a manufacturing district of Birmingham now recognised as being of international significance. Listing NGR: SP0600388062
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