TM 3698
1911/10/10012 LODDON
Numbers 15-20, (Consecutive) GV
II Terraced bungalows forming part of housing estate for elderly persons, built by the former Loddon Rural District Council, 1962-63, architects Tayler and Green. Brick -red, black, yellow-grey and dapple light, with ornamental treatment of gable ends. Orange and brown pantiled roofs, with wood bargeboards, brick chimneystacks with angled concrete coping and clay pots. Flush eaves with rainwater pipes carried down without swan-necks. Wide (13 m.) plans. Change of levels within Davy Place itself, the site of an old gravel pit, enables garages to be incorporated below the bungalows on the south side. Variations in elevational treatment due to orientation and aspect, but standard arrangement has recessed entrance, with half glazed door flanked by white painted wood trelliswork, carried over subsidiary windows, 1 main three-light steel casement window, and boarded door to external store with glazed panel. Davy Place is a fine example of the architects attention to detail and re-use of vernacular forms without pastiche. The street picture along Davy Place is carefully composed with, on the north, a terrace of four bungalows along the frontage, a set-back paved square fronted by a single bungalow, succeeded by the day-room and finally the warden's house giving a two storey accent; opposite are the raised gable end of the groups south of Davy Place, with linked brick crinkle-crankle walls screening the gardens. This forms an integral part of this housing estate for the elderly with Nos 1-16 and 10-15 (Conseq) Davy Place and common room, while the internal planning is of interest, the individual units do not have features of special merit. Nos 5-9 ( odd) High Bungay Road, Nos 6-10 (even) Low Bungay Road and Nos 3-13 (odd) Davy Terrace, Low Bungay Road (qv). The scheme is a fine example of these architects' 'picturesque' approach to design, in this case responding to a semi-urban setting. Winner of Ministry of Housing Medal in 1964 and Civic Trust A ward in 1965. Listing NGR: TM3628998249
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