Nos 13 & 15
SZ 5992 2/281 II GV 2.
Circa 1850 pair of houses. Three storeys and basement cement rendered,
rusticated quoins separating houses and at corners on first and second
floors. First floor string course, and moulded string on No 15 linking
windows on each floor below level of heads. Parapet and cornice with
dentils treated as machicolation. Inset bowed corner to No 15. One
window each, superimposed three light bay windows to first and second
floors, sash, later glazing bars, plain strips, shallow cornices, aprons
boxed in except on No 15 first floor which retains traces of panelling.
Ground floor window of No 13: recessed sash, glazing bars intact, block
sill. Door to North, recessed, panelled and glazed with rectangular
fanlight over; flight of six steps up to door. No 15 has tripartite
segment headed window, sash, later glazing bars, moulded arch springing
from level of string course. The windows in the bowed corner are set
across curve, recessed casements of two lights with block sills. On
the North side of No 15, one window first and second floor and on ground
floor two segment headed windows, all recessed, sash, glazing bars intact,
block sills. The lower string course is carried round from Nelson Street
front. Central recessed door with narrow moulded panels, tall segmented
arched fanlight over, moulded segmental arch. Two storeyed wing to West
with parapet and coping, square headed windows, recessed, sash, glazing
bars and block sills. Nos 7 to 15 (odd) form a group.
Listing NGR: SZ5940892651
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