829-1/9/101 (South side)
08/05/50 Nos.37, 37A (part), 39A/B AND 41
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.37, 37A AND 37B)
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.39 AND 41)
Hall house, converted to inn C18, now subdivided into ground
floor commercial premises (Nos 37 & 41) with flats above
(No.37A which includes first floor above No.35 (qv), Nos 39A &
39B). Late C15, altered C17, C18, ground floors rebuilt 1960s
and 1990. Timber-framed, with plaster front, above ground
floor shopfronts. Steeply pitched old tiled roof, with left
hand end hipped. Cruciform-plan shafted brick chimneystack.
Front block has 4-bay modified cross passage plan, with upper
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys. First floor jettied, with moulded fascia
over No.41. One flush sash window with glazing bars to No.37A
(above No.37) and 5 plain glazed flush set sash windows to
No.39A (above No.41). Ground floor of No.37 at left has early
C19 shopfront with timber pilasters, projecting segmental bow
window, divided into 3 by mullions, fascia with moulded
cornice above, broken by segmental section above shop window.
Modern half glazed door in pilaster surround at left.
Carriageway to right of shopfront, with exposed post, and
exposed timber-framing, with twin blocked ogee headed door
openings on right. Ground floor of No.41, to right of
carriageway has 1990 arcaded shop window with 2 runs, oak
frames and glazed entrance door, modern fascia with applied
mouldings. Rear wing behind No.41 (No.41 on ground floor;
No.39B on first floor), has 2 storeys, plum brick with red
dressings, first floor and eaves level plat bands, 3 first
floor flush set sash windows with glazing bars and exposed
boxes under cambered red rubbed arches, old tiled roof behind
parapet. Rear outshoot continues as timber-framed structure,
with red brick ground floor, weatherboarded first floor, and
tiled roof, restored 1990.
INTERIOR: little of interest visible on ground floors of No.37
or No.41. At rear of No.41, within ground floor of C18 rear
outshoot there is a mid C18 staircase, L-plan, open-well, with
open string, and profiled brackets to treads, column-on-vase
balusters, curtail step, ramped and wreathed handrail,
panelled dado, altered in lower flight in 1990. First floor,
No.39A has C18 cornice to left hand room, and exposed studwork
of central arch-braced tie-beam truss. Inserted chimneystack
at left hand in party wall to No.37A. Roof with halved and
pegged rafters, close studded partition, with wattle and daub
infill one bay from left; crown post with downward curved
bracing on partition. Free standing cruciform-plan late C15
crown post, with curved braces fore and aft to collar purlin,
and transverse to collar; adjacent to inserted stack there
appears to be a second free standing crown post of the same
pattern. Roof strengthened with sprung steel braces and ties
1990. Interior of No.39B at rear has mid C18 panelled room
with recessed panels, moulded dado and cornice, fire surround
with pilasters, and overmantel with moulded architrave,
recessed panel, and projecting pilaster caps, breaking cornice
above. Rear part of outshoot converted to flat in 1990, and
has 4 bay timber-frame with exposed C17 tie-beam trusses with
coach-nailed arch braces, queen struts and collars. Repairs in
1990 include new timbers crafted in using a revival of the
archaic stop-splayed scarf joint.
(Edwards E and Perman D: Ware's Past In Pictures: Ware: 1991-:
90-1; Perman D: Ware UD. List of buildings of special arch or
historic interest: 1993-: 29; Ware 25" to 1 Mile. Surveyed by
the Ordnance Survey Department: 1851-; Forrester H: Timber
Framed Buildings in Hertford and Ware: Hitchin: 1964-: 37).
Listing NGR: TL3583614278