(east side)
No 16 (Ivy Cottage)
(north range only)
II Farmhouse, now house. Late Cl7, extended in C19, renovated in C20 (added wing at
right angles to right-hand end, not included in the item). Perhaps formerly
timber-framed, but now rough cast over brick, with composition tile roof (replacing
thatch). Two-unit end-lobby-entry plan, with 3rd unit added at right-hand end.
One and a half storeys; entry now via doorway in added wing, which covers former
doorway at right hand end of 2nd bay; modern bow window to 2nd bay, a modern 3-
light casement to the left, and 2 similar windows as dormers in the roof, which is
steeply pitched, with overhanging eaves, and has one chimney now behind the ridge
at the right-hand end of the 2nd unit. Left gable has a casement off-centre at
1st floor. Rear has inter alia a 6-light wooden mullion window to the 2nd bay ,
with original diamond-leaded glazing in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 6th lights, and a
smaller 4-light firewindow to the left, both these with wooden sills and lintels. Interior: timber-framed-partition between first and second bays, incorporating
newel post of former spiral newel staircase; in the house part (2nd bay), 2 stop-
chamfered beams, that to the front supported on a heck post, with a brace to the
beam; exposed joists, late C18 rectangular stone fireplace with plain jambs and
lintel, to the left of this a saltcupboard with Cl7 fluted frieze and handmade hinges,
to the right a small rectangular window (both these with wooden lintels); in the
1st bay (service end) a spine beam with stone holes of former wattle-and-daub
partition; at 1st floor, a collar-truss with interrupted tie-beam, raked struts,
and a long curved wind brace to the rear purlin; and at the other end of the
2nd bay (probably formerly the east gable) remains of timber-framing including
part of the tie beam and 2 vertical struts.
Listing NGR: SD5201928536
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