579-1/19/85 (East side)
10/09/71 Nos.52-118 (Even)
including walls and railings
(Formerly Listed as:
(North side)
Nos.91-94 (Consecutive)) GV II Terrace of dwellings. c1850-60, subsequent alterations.
Stucco over brick, roofs concealed behind parapets. Terrace on
hillside. Mixed 3 and 4-storeys over basement, 2-window bow
frontage, square-headed sash windows with variety of glazing
bar patterns, a few blind boxes surviving, moulded parapet and
cornice, rusticated ground floor, cast-iron balustrade to
first floor windows, pilaster porches, variety of doors.
The 4 centre dwellings in terrace, Nos 86-92, have enriched
facades with cast-iron window box guards to second floor,
first floor with continuous dentil-moulded entablature
carrying segmental-headed pediments with shell decoration in
tympanums, ornamental surrounds to window openings, blind
boxes, ground floor with panels of vermiculated rustication
beneath window cills carried on shaped brackets with cast-iron
window box guards; acanthus-leaf capitals to fluted shafts of
doorcases, half-glazed doors.
The entrance to No.52 is in Western Road; the ground floor
with single-storey extension is distinguished by 1:3:1:3 bay
screen of Tuscan pilasters with entablature, Tuscan porch with
round-arched opening in first bay left, panelled door
approached by flight of steps, and fourth bay right, now with
window, sash windows without glazing bars.
Cast-iron railings and walls returned from entrances to street
frontage, Nos 90 & 92 with ball finials to piers.
This terrace probably predates that opposite, Nos 59-127
Lansdowne Place (qv).
Listing NGR: TQ2972604723
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