858-1/4/20 (North side)
Nos.34 AND 35
Southcliffe (No.34) and Gable Lodge
(No.35) GV II Pair of semi-detached hotels. c1900. Rubble with brick
dressings, slate roof. A near-symmetrical pair, strongly
modelled in a late Picturesque style.
2 storeys and attic, each 2 windows, but the left half (Gable
Lodge) has a small extra bay, set back to the left, with a
half-hipped roof to deep eaves over a single sash and a wide
door in 3 narrow vertical glazed panels and a plain transom
light in a very flat pointed brick arch with brick dripcourse
to dropped ends. To the right is a wide gable with a narrow
glazed door to a balcony with balustrade and gable framing
with trefoil openings in the spandrels, above a shallow square
bay with tripartite sash and very narrow return lights, above
a similar ground-floor bay under a steep hipped slate roof,
the bay with stone corner mullions.
This is all brought forward from the main transverse roof with
a gabled dormer with 4-pane sash and deep eaves, above a pair
of glazed doors under transom lights with geometrical glazing
bars, opening to a balcony with open splat balusters, and a
similar door with transom light assembly to the ground floor.
On the return wall to the gabled unit is a narrow light
towards the balcony. The return wall to the left of the porch
extension includes a large gabled sash dormer abov a large
tripartite sash.
The adjoining Southcliffe is identical in the set-back centre,
including the continued balustrade, but has a pyramidal gable
with small dormer above a deep balcony, the splat rail on 3
facets, and 2 slender cast-iron columns on brick pedestals; in
the main wall-plane is a wide 3-light French door and transom
light opening. The ground floor has narrow 4-pane sashes on 3
facets, and a door under the balcony. On the right return wall
is an entrance door in brick dressings and a deep reveal, and
a large gabled dormer with sash. A prominent ridge stack at
the party wall, and a smaller stack to Gable Lodge. The backs
of the properties are rendered, with wide gables, and there is
a slate-hung stack in the central valley. Gable Lodge retains
plain sashes, but windows to Southcliffe are all late C20
replacements. The dormers and gables have terracotta finials.
INTERIORS not inspected.
This pair of buildings is a characteristic well-detailed and
articulated example of late Victorian villa design, and is the
best and the earliest in the row developed here in Lee Road.
Listing NGR: SS7175549448
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