1. RAX LANE5191
(North Side) Rax
SY 4693 2/81 3 .10.74
II GV 2.
C18. Appears on Hutchins map (1774). But described as "lately erected" in 1786.
Bought by Thomas Collins Colfox, the prominent Bridport Unitarian, merchant and
Alderman of the early Cl9), in 1827. After his death in 1835 it was "considerably
altered and enlarged" by his widow, who died in 1858. Stucco front. Painted
brick to road end. 2 storeys. Modillion eaves cornice to east front, which
has 5 ranges of sashes with glazing bars and keystones, 4-panelled door with
anthemia moulding and fanlight, and iron lamp on brackets over door. West
front has ashlar rusticated quoins and surrounds to central windows, moulded
eaves cornice and parapet, open pediment over central bays and panelled string
course. 3-light sashes with glazing bars in centre, central lst floor window
Venetian with marginal glazing bars and balcony. End bays have 1 range each
of early C18 cased sashes with glazing bars, set in early C19 recessed 2-storey
panel with segmental heads. 2 attic dormers with pediments, and casements
with glazing bars.
Interior: Staircase hall has shallow dome on pendentives; staircase has elaborate
mid C19 cast iron balustrade. At various places inside are 7 terracotta roundels,
painted blue and white, with neo-Grec scenes in relief. T C Colfox's Son,
William, married the daughter of Andrew Abbot, partner in the pottery firm
of Turner, London. It is possible that this connexion may account for the
appearance of these roundels. Rax, Garden wall to Rax, The Grove, Garden wall to the Grove, No 32 and its outhouses,
Gatehouse of No 32 and its wall, Outhouses to the south of Wykes Court Garden (all on
north side), Nos 13, 15, 19 and 31 (on south side), Nos 17 and 19 Downes Street,
Wykes Court, Conservative Club and Stables south of Conservative Club, North Street,
all form a group.
Listing NGR: SY4666993022
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