SU 57 SE
6/54 Bradfield Hall, Adjoining
Kitchen Block And
25.10.51 Adjoining Garden Wall
House. Circa 1700, 1763, with Circa 1900 additions, and reduced by one
floor in mid C20. North front: red brick with gauged window heads,
plat band to left between ground floor and mezzanine, bracketed stone
cornice, parapet with stone coping and corner urns, and triangular
pediment over 2 bays to left with stone cartouche in tympanum. End
stack to left and stack to front off-centre to right. Roof not visible.
2 storeys; 5 bays, glazing bar sashes with exposed wooden boxes. 2
projecting bays to left; 2 flattened arched first floor windows with
keystones, imposts, and Gothick glazing bars; 2 oval mezzanine windows
keystones and arched ground floor window to left with fluted keystone with
and Gothick glazing bars. Arched doorway to right with fluted keystone,
Gothick fanlight, two C20 half glazed doors, and Doric porch with 2
unfluted columns, 2 half columns, triglyph frieze and cornice. 3 bays
set back to right; 2 first floor glazing bar sashes to left, one first
floor painted glazing bar sash to right, projecting ground floor with
coped parapet, domed oval lead roof with gold finial, and 3 arched windows
with fluted keystones. Right-hand return wall of left-hand block has 2
storey bow with 3-ogee leaded light first floor window. South front:
red brick with gauged window heads; pilaster strips flanking each unevenly
spaced pair of outer bays, stone cornice, stone coped parapet with corner
urns; central canted bay with stone plinth, stone plat band and cill plat
bands, and stone balustrading beneath windows. 2 storeys; glazing bar
sashes, 2 on first floor to right with exposed wooden boxes. Central
arched ground floor sash extending to floor with rusticated stone architrave
flanking windows with rusticated brick arched heads, and ground floor arched
windows in 2 bays to left and right. East front: main features include two
2 storey bows with coped parapets and irregularly placed mullioned and
transomed leaded windows. Kitchen block adjoining to east: red brick
with moulded brick eaves cornice to hipped old tile roof with stack to
north and central hexagonal bellcote with 6 columns supporting ogee lead
cap with ball finial, and clocks on base to north and south. 2 storeys
and basement; 3 bays, glazing bar sashes. South front: 3 first floor
ogee headed windows with Gothick glazing bars, 2 large ground floor windows
flanking central arched entrance with small oval window above. Flanking 2
storey bays with one glazing bar sash on each floor. Adjoining garden wall
projecting to west: approximately 20 metres long and 2 1/2 metres high. Red
brick with stone coping, curving round to north with stone coped end pier.
North front: round arched blank opening to right with gauged brick head
and fluted keystone, round arched doorway to left with gauged brick head,
fluted keystone,and boarded door with painted Gothick tympanum. Interior:
circa 1700 and mid C18. Entrance hall; 3 bay groin vault, frieze with
bucrania and wreaths, deep cornice with paterae and guttae. Staircase
hall; double height hall with skylight, 3-flight square well staircase
with wrought iron balustrade, and Corinthian doorcase to Saloon.
Saloon; double height room with balustraded gallery on Tuscan columns,
fireplace with large console brackets, central oval painting in ceiling possibly
by Francois Clermont surrounded by rich plasterwork including fishes,
birds and fruit. Dining room; plaster ceiling and Ionic fireplace.
Library; retains contemporary bookcases. Many other rooms contain
contemporary mouldings and doorcases, including one bedroom with 2 swan-
neck pedimented doorcases. B.O.E, Berkshire, p. 99.
Listing NGR: SU5886371603
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Berkshire, (1975), 99
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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