In the entry for:-
Nos. 84A (Van Tongen
House, 84B (Fotolab
Express Ltd.,) and
No 86 (Harrison &
Partners) and No 1
(Raymond Wood & Part-
ners) and Flat Nos.
2 and 3, Moss Lane.
GV The address shall be amended to read:- SU 9643 NE
(north side)
No 84 (Photolab)
Nos. 84A and B (Van Ton-
geren House) No. 86
(Harrison & Partners)
Nos. 1,2,3, and 4,
Moss Lane
II House and attached industrial premises, now shops and offices. Mid-late C18
with early-mid C19 alterations and additions to rear, all altered C20. Red
brick in Flemish bond to front, poorer quality brickwork to rest. Plain tile
roofs. 3 storeys, 3 bays with wing to rear left, the front section of 3
storeys, 4 bays (former industrial premises) with lower 2-storey, 2-bay section
beyond. Front: 2 C20 shop fronts, not of special interest, and entrance to No
84A. Windows above have flat brick arches, sashes with glazing bars to 1st
floor, 4-pane sashes to 2nd floor, all with projecting sills. 2nd-floor band.
Coped parapet. Left return (onto Moss Lane): 2 bay section on left has inserted
C20 doorway (now blocked) and flanking windows with rubblestone below; two
2-light windows to 1st floor and dentilled eaves. Former workshop range between
this and front range has 4 original windows to each floor, segmental-arched to
ground and 1st floors all with C20 glazing; lst-floor right-hand window broken
into by inserted window; late C20 door inserted on ground floor between
left-hand windows; dentilled eaves. Gable of main range has a similar window to
each floor on left, and an inserted window to ground and 1st floors. Rear: the
wing has 2 projecting hipped-roofed loading bays, the former doorways now with
windows; infill block between. The industrial range was probably built to house
knitting frames, this section of the textile industry being important in
Godalming in the later C18 and C19.
Listing NGR: SU9695743874
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