723-1/13/182 (North East side)
20/02/76 No.21
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.21 AND 23) GV II Includes: No.19 (part) CRICKETERS LANE Herongate.
Butcher's shop, slaughterhouse and associated house. C18.
Converted to house c1980. Timber-framed, roughcast rendered
and weatherboarded, roofed with handmade red clay tiles. Main
range of 3 bays facing SW, with stack at right end; 3 parallel
and adjacent rear wings, the whole forming a rectangular plan.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys. The ground floor of the right part is now
combined with part of No.19, to right; the remainder forms one
house, No.21 (including what was No.23). At front left, early
C19 butcher's shop window comprising 2 adjacent top-hung
casements each of 8 lights, with handmade glass, and on the
outside a long top-hung panelled shutter above, and a similar
bottom-hung shutter below, plain halved door (formerly of
No.23) blocked internally, and a moulded 6-panel door, the top
2 panels glazed (No.21), all under a tiled canopy with moulded
eaves, supported on C20 posts. To right (part of No.19), one
early C19 sash of 8+8 lights. First floor, 2 similar sashes.
All these sashes have C20 external shutters with club-shaped
perforations and imitation hinges. Roof of main range hipped
at left. Front elevation roughcast, remainder weatherboarded.
Narrow C20 casements in left elevation, inserted between
original studs.
INTERIOR: the left ground-floor room, formerly the shop, has a
chamfered transverse beam with convex stops and exposed plain
joists of vertical section; C19 hand-driven bone grinder
attached to front wall. The room to rear of it has many
wrought-iron meat-hooks attached to the joists. The rear left
wing was built originally as one storey, raised to 2 storeys
in C19, with primary straight bracing in both phases. Straight
stair inside main door, with at the top an early C19
semi-elliptical arch with unusual carved stops. In the middle
rear wing, formerly the slaughterhouse, a heavy iron ring is
attached to a strong post about 0.25m above ground, formerly
for securing beasts to be stunned. The shop window is in
exceptionally unaltered condition, a rare feature meriting
special care.
Listing NGR: TQ6293991231
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