SK9239 MAIN STREET, Belton
1315-0/8/49 (North West side)
21/09/79 Belton Post Office and adjoining
(Formerly Listed as:
(North West side)
Smithy, Post Office and adjoining
GV II Estate cottage, now a house, post office and smithy. Cottage
C17, remodelled 1838; smithy 1838. Both by Anthony Salvin.
Coursed squared stone with ashlar dressings and slate roofs.
Cottage has 2 external gable stacks with coped square double
flues. Smithy has a similar ridge stack. Jacobean Revival
style. Cottage, to left, single storey plus attics; 2 window
range. Ashlar plinth, quoins, coped gables with kneelers. 2
through-eaves dormers with on corbels, with shouldered shaped
gables and ball finials, each with a 2-light window. Below, to
left, a 3-light window with a heavy cornice. To right, a
canted stone bay window with hipped roof and a 3-light window.
All these windows are casements with stone surrounds and
chamfered mullions. INTERIOR has a C17 chamfered span beam
with stops, and a similar beam now boxed in. To right, a
single storey link building containing the post office.
Central half-glazed door with overlight, flanked to left by a
single light window, both with stone surrounds. 2 gabled roof
ventilators. To right, a segmental arch with half-glazed
double doors to the shoeing floor. The single storey cross
wing forming the smithy has shoulderd shaped gables with ball
finials. At each end, a 5-light window with stone mullions and
surround. Above the front window, a scroll, and above it, in
the gable, a stone horseshoe enclosing a datestone. Brick
lined interior has a transverse arch containing the flues to 2
forges, and king post roof.
One of several estate buildings by Salvin for John, first Earl
Brownlow, of Belton House. The smithy is complete and in use.
(Buildings of England: Pevsner N & Antrum N: Lincolnshire:
London: 1964-1989: 135-136; Kerr M: Survey notes on National
Trust properties in Belton: 1985-1989; Allibone J: Anthony
Salvin: Cambridge: 1988-: 163).
Listing NGR: SK9289439563
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Books and journals Allibone, J, Anthony Salvin Pioneer of Gothic Revival Architecture 1799-1881, (1987), 163 Pevsner, N, Harris, J, Antram, N, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire, (1989), 135-136Other Kerr, M, Survey notes on National Trust properties in Belton, (1985-1989)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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