(west side) 6/83 Nos 1 and 2, The Grange GV II Large house, at back pavement edge, now in two occupations. C16 with much
modification especially in C19 and C20. Small squared coursed rubble with some
large flush greensand quoins, tile roof, probably replacing stone slate. A
complex building, difficult to categorise, but with a through passage, in a long
narrow block with gabled extensions to left, and a projecting section to the
street front, right, now fenestrated, which may once have been a large stack.
Two storeys and attic, street front is 1:4:1 windows; at ground floor 2-light
with transom, at first floor 2-light casements, with glazing bars, mainly C20;
in the projecting 'bay' a 3-light at each level, then, far right a small C20
single light above a recessed doorway with plank door to overlight in segmental
opening, on 3 steps. Off-centre left is C20 porch covering good flush 6-panel
door, and far left is C20 six-panel door to overlight under a 2-light window.
This end bay is slightly stepped forward, and at an angle to the remainder. The
left return, to No 1, has various openings, and a gabled wing. Back is 2+3
windows, all C20 casements and large French window, a large brick gable, and one
dormer window. Interior of No 2 inspected; includes C16 moulded and stopped
beam to through passage area, and a section of roofing with pegged A-frame to 2
chamfered and stopped purlins, and wind bracing. Staircase is Victorian.
Listing NGR: ST8156432290
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