Froyle 5/25 Husseys,( formerly
listed as Husseys Farm-
31/07/63 house.) GV II* Large house. C16, with cladding of the C18 and early C19. Mainly brick walls,
and a tile roof. Timber-framed structure with rear wings, with C18 extensions of
2 storeys at the front (east side) and early C19 smaller additions (between the
wings) at the rear. The south elevation is 2 storeys, with 6.4 windows. Hipped
roof, 2 hips behind a parapet at the east side. Walls of Flemish bond, 1st floor
bond, rubbed flat arches, plinth; the east side has a parapet band and 2 wider
windows (of later insertion) to the ground floor, with cambered openings.
Sashes, 1 casement. Cast-iron (C20) rainwater heads bear the date 1603. The
west end has a large stack and tile hanging of the upper walls, and the entrance
re-uses the C18 doorcase, which has a shell-hood, carved brackets, pilasters with
Corinthian caps and panelled reveals. The rear elevation, and east end, has
exposed framing, but also brick walls (early C19) of Flemish bond, with cambered
openings, plinth, and cast-iron diamond casements; the large panelled stack
(and the west stack) indicates that the chimneys were attached to the outside
of the frame. Inside, there is a Tudor fireplace and some exposure of the
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