SZ 09 NE
No. 147 (Longham
- II
House, now two dwellings. C18, with early and mid C19 extensions and
changes, and minor additions of c1900. Walls of brickwork in Flemish bond
with blue headers (colourwashed), plinth, cambered arches to the openings,
1st floor band, stone cills. Slate roof, gabled and hipped, with small
hipped dormers and one flat roofed dormer at a high level, at the rear.
L-shaped block, with the angle at the rear filled with another (early C19)
block, together with a staircase wing in the angle so formed, lower mid C19
extensions and c1900 'dairy' unit. Symmetrical south front elevation with a
projecting centrepiece (the gable replacing a pediment?), of two storeys,
3:1:3 windows. The ground floor sashes reach to floor level and the upper
Victorian sashes have cills which have been raised. Wood Doric doorcase,
with open pediment, plain columns, arched opening with panelled reveals
and fan light, 6-panelled door. A verandah across the whole front has been
removed but its terrace remains, with a moulded stone kerb. The west side
of the front has a lower mid-C19 wing of 1 1/2 storeys. Of the larger rear
wings, the original (from the west side of the main block) is two storeys
and attic, with similar features (and two Gothic windows), the north end of
the roof being hipped; attached to its east side is the early C19 wing,
slightly wider and taller, and beyond it is a screen wall of brickwork with
ogee openings (now filled). Inside, the staircase has mahogany handrails on
decorative cast-iron slender balusters. RCHM
Listing NGR: SZ0656598069
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Books and journals Inventory of Dorset II South East, (1970)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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