SO 8819/8919
(east side)
12/26 Manor House and Caledonia
Two attached houses in one ownership. C16, altered and extended
late C17 or C18, C19. Timber-framing, covered render or tile
hanging, painted brickwork, tiled roof, slate to single-storey
front part. Eight-window range, one room deep, with overlapping
wing behind projecting 2 bays on left, all 2½ storeys: single-
storey wing in angle at front, and at rear. Facing road: right
return tile hung, 6-pane sash ground floor, 12-pane first, 2-light
casement to attic, plain barge boards. Main front, rendered;
three 4-pane sashes on right, 5-panel door, up one stone step,
rectangular light over, projecting hood on shaped brackets: 3
similar windows to left; half-glazed door, 2 flush panels below,
rectangular light over, C18 canopy with dentil cornice on brackets
over. Above, 8 windows as ground floor. Tiled roof, banded with
alternate strips of plain and fish-scale tiles. External brick
chimney against left return: and 2 to rear. To left, single-
storey wing continues line of front, 4-pane sash with narrow
similar each side; slated hipped roof over. Behind taller painted
brick wing, with two 2-light casements to first floor, cambered
brick arches over. Two hipped dormers with leaded 2-light
casements; central brick chimney on ridge. Rear of left end
paired French doors and normal sash ground floor, 3 normal sash
windows first floor, 3 hipped dormers as front above.
Interior of Manor House, 8-window range; appears originally to
have been cross passage and 3 rooms, one being on right of passage.
Open-well stairs, turned balusters, moulded handrail, closed
string, original, but with some replacements. Room to right of
entrance raised C17 panelling, to left painted fielded panelling
and shutters, spine beam, blocked fireplace. First floor timber-
framing exposed internally in gables; two C16 stone fireplaces in
back wall; collar trusses to roof. Interior of Caledonia not
inspected. House much altered in late C19: it was previously
called the Great House, has never been a manor house. Said that
Sir Walter Raleigh stayed in it.
(W.T. Swift, History of Churchdown, 1905)
Listing NGR: SO8840519898
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Books and journals Swift, WT, History of Churchdown, (1905)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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