TF 93 NW GREAT WALSINGHAM EGMERE ROAD 942/3/151A Mid C19 cart house, cattle
sheds, stables, barn and
waggon lodge (with granary
15.02.1979 over) to east of Egmere
Farmhouse GV II
Farmstead. 1851-6 with late C19 and C20 alterations. By G.A. Dean, architect, for the Holkham Estate. Brick with slate and pantile coverings to the roofs, which, except the barn, are hipped.
PLAN: complex formed of separate blocks to east and west. To the east, a BARN and STABLES form the west side of an enclosed STACK YARD, its south side enclosed by a WAGGON LODGE, with a GRANARY above. To the west, 6 CATTLE YARDS, arranged back-to-back, and divided by 2 rows of LOOSE BOXES with end TURNIP HOUSES.
EXTERIOR, EAST BLOCK: barn with possibly earlier core, now re-roofed, and with a blocked threshing door. Stables to south of barn face onto roadway between blocks of buildings. The stable is divided into 4 units, each with a central doorway flanked by windows. Rear walls with pitching holes served from stackyard. Waggon lodge on south side of stackyard comprising 7 bays on either side of a wide central stairway.
INTERIOR, EAST BLOCK: barn sub-divided by a concrete wall inserted c.1870. Shouldered king post trusses support purlin roof. Stable interior retains many original fittings, including feeding troughs and mangers, which indicate the stalling of horses across the gable. Harness rooms along rear wall, flanking central chaff box. Granary above waggon lodge retains grain bins on east side and trap door and lifting gear to west.
EXTERIOR, WEST BLOCK: cattle yards with dividing walls now removed, leaving 3 large yards. Each has a shelter shed to the north, with an arcaded front formed by cast-iron columns. On the south side of the 2 northerly yards are ranges of sunken loose boxes (8 on each side of the passage) with a central feed passage and turnip house opening onto the roadway to the west. To the north of the cattle range is a range of 4 outward facing cartlodges on either side of a turnip house and on the south, a trap house, riding horse stable and poultry houses.
INTERIOR, WEST BLOCK: loose boxes have stall dividers and mangers, although some mangers have been re-positioned. Roofs supported by shouldered king post trusses.
HISTORY: an example of the work of a notable specialist architect, and one of only 4 surviving farmsteads designed by Dean. The design is remarkably functional in character, in contrast to his embellished designs for the home farms at Windsor and Holkham. In its little-altered form, Egmere Farm graphically illustrates the quality of farmsteads erected in the High Farming' era. Listing NGR: TF9013037946
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