SS 71 NE
4/37 Meshaw Barton and walled
- II*
Farmhouse. Early C16 origin, much remodelled early Cl7 when virtually completely
reroofed, refenestrated late C19, reroofed with asbestos slates circa 1960. Rubble
anti cob core, roughcast and whitewashed, asbestos slate roof, 2 ridge stacks and a
stack rising from the eaves to the rear, all rebuilt with brick shafts, that to rear
on a lateral rubble chimneybreast, C19 lean-to to right of rear with a corrugated
iron sheeting roof and a slate roof.
Plan and development: although much remodelled in the C17 it appears that the house
was originally of 3 unit and through-passage plan, the C17 work retained this
configuration but inserted a dog-leg staircase directly adjacent to the lower side of
the through-passage, at the same time a cellar was inserted below the lower room
with access from the through-passage; at this time the whole house was reroofed
except one truss over the higher side of the through-passage; also a 2-storey porch
was added to the front. In the C17 the first floor was divided into three principal
rooms, the staircase continued up to an attic storey. In the C20 lowered ceilings
were inserted which hide the ceiling beams in the hall and lower room. The plan of
3 unit and through-passage has the hall with a rear lateral stack to the left of the
through-passage, beyond it to the left there is a heated inner room with a gable end
fireplace; the lower room to the right of the through-passage is heated by a gable-
end fireplace. C19 lean-to at rear.
Exterior: of 2 storeys, 2:1:2 windows, 2-, 3- and 4-light casements with close-set
glazing bars. Central projecting gabled porch with a 3-light window on the first
floor, outer door opening in a plain wooden surround. Single-storeyed lean-to at
rear. 2 windows to the cellar to right of ground floor in wooden frames with
moulded wooden mullions. Forecourt with rubble wall.
Interior: with through-passage with stone setts. On tne left side of this passage a
plank and muntin partition, chamfered muntins and head rail with mason's mitres. The
hall to the left of this partition is virtually featureless except for a cupboard in
the rear right-hand corner made-up from reused C17 panelling with carved arabesques.
The inner room left with 2 chamfered lateral ceiling beams, with run-out stops. On
the right side of the through-passage a solid partition set directly under a moulded
cross-beam, doorway to stair hall with very fine studded and panelled door. C17
dog-leg staircase rising right up to the attic. First floor landing with C17
plaster cornice and two C17 moulded door surrounds to the bedroom doors, ledged
plank doors. The cellar below the lower end with stone steps down, featureless.
The hidden ceiling beams in the hall and lower room are probably of interest, not
Roof: one C16 truss survives over the higher end of the through-passage, straight
principals, mortised apex with a threaded diagonal ridge, ridge-piece missing, one
row of threaded purlins, mortised cambered collar, no evidence of smoke-blackening.
The remainder of the 7 bay roof with early C17 trusses, mortised ridges, halved and
face-pegged straight collars, 2 rows of trenched purlins, again no evidence of
Listing NGR: SS7644119265
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